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    "蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai)"的相關文件 


    顯示 86 項.

    類別 日期 題名 作者 檔案
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 期刊論文 2012-09 Ixora parviflora Protects against UVB-Induced Photoaging by Inhibiting the Expression of MMPs, MAP Kinases, and COX-2 and by Promoting Type I Procollagen Synthesis 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); (Pei-Ching Fan); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); (I-Chen Shih); 江秀梅(Hsiu-Mei Chiang)*
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 期刊論文 2011-03 Hydrolysates of citrus plants stimulate melanogenesis protecting UV-induced dermal damage 江秀梅; (Jen-Wen Lin); (Pei-Ling Hsiao); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen)*
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 期刊論文 2011 Hydrolysates of citrus plants stimulate melanogenesis protecting UV-induced dermal damage 江秀梅; (Jen-Wen Lin); (Pei-Ling Hsiao); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen)*
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 期刊論文 2009-04 Determination of Total Polyphenol Glycosides in Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma and Rumecis Radix 江秀梅; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 蕭珮玲; 邱振源; 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen)*
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 期刊論文 Ginger significantly decreased the oral bioavailability of cyclosporine in rats.? 江秀梅; 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*?
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 期刊論文 Life - threatening interaction between the root extract of Pueraria lobata and methotrexate in rats? 江秀梅(Hsiu-Mei Chiang); 方世華(Shih-Hua Fang); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 徐素蘭; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 姬盈璋(Ying-Chang Chi); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*?
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 期刊論文 Marked decrease of cyclosporin absorption caused by coadministration of Cordyceps sinensis in rats.? 江秀梅(Hsiu-Mei Chiang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 楊詩瑩(S. Y. Yang); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*; (Su-Lan Hsiu); (Kuo-Ching Wen)?
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 會議論文 Interaction Between Isoflavone-Containing Dietary Supplements and Valproic Acid in Rats? (Ying-Chang Chi); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 徐素蘭?
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 會議論文 Interaction between methotrexate and dietary supplement isoflavone in rats? 江秀梅(Hsiu-Mei Chiang); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)?
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 會議論文 2004-05-30 Marked decrease of cyclosporine absorption by coadministraion of berberine and berberine-containing herbs in rats. 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); (L.C. Ho); (C.P. Yu); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)
    [藥物化學研究所] 研究計畫 2007-07-31 設計合成phenylquinolone 類緣化合物做為抗癌藥 郭盛助(Kuo,Sheng-Chu); 黃麗嬌(Li-Jiau Huang); 陳勝智(Sheng-Chih Chen); 林宗平; 連金城(Lien Jin Cherng); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯曼貞(Hour Mann-Jen)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2010-07-31 改善柚皮元口服吸收製劑之研究 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2008-07-31 中藥指標成分奈米粒之製備及其生理活性篩選之初探 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2007-07-31 開發提高TACROLIMUS吸收之中藥製劑 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2006-07-31 厚朴酚之安定性研 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 專書 2008-12 A Phoenix Arising From Fire: New Applications of Old Traditional Herbs-- Ch 3. Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of glycosides in Chinese herbs 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 徐素蘭; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2014-10 Serum Concentrations of Anthraquinones after Intake of Folium Sennae and Potential Modulation on P-glycoprotein (Yu-Hsuan Peng); 林宣霈(Shiuan-Pey Lin); (Chung-Ping Yu); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); (Min-Yu Chen); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2014-09 Tissue distribution of naringenin conjugated metabolites following repeated dosing of naringin to rats 林宣霈(Shiuan-Pey Lin)*; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 王孟珠(Meng-Ju Wang); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2013-12 Interaction of rhubarb and methotrexate in rats: in vivo and ex-vivo approaches (Chi-Sheng Shia); 莊聲宏(Shin-Hun Juang); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2013-04 A Chinese Herb Formula decreases the monocarboxylate transporter-mediated absorption of valproic acid in rats CP Yu; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); LJ Kao; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2012-12 Pharmacokinetics and Relative Bioavailability of Flavonoids between Two Dosage Forms of Gegen-Qinlian-Tang in Rats (Chung-Ping Yu); (Chi-Sheng Shia); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2012-12 Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of resveratrol, emodin and their metabolites after intake of Polygonum cuspidatum in rats 林宣霈(Shiuan-Pey Lin); 朱培銘(Pei-Ming Chu); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); (Meng-HaoWu); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2012-09 St. John's wort significantly increased the systemic exposure and toxicity of methotrexate in rats (Shih-Ying Yang); 莊聲宏(Shin-Hun Juang); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2012-03 Inductive modulation on P-glycoprotein and cytochrome 3A by resveratrol, a constituent of grapes (Shih-Ying Yang); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011-11 Pharmacokinetics, Bioavailability, and Tissue Distribution of Magnolol Following Single and Repeated Dosing of Magnolol to Rats (Shiuan-Pey Lin); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); (Ying-Chen Chen); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011-10 Steady-state pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of anthraquinones of Rhei Rhizoma in rats 夏麒盛(Chi-Sheng Shia); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 林榮志(Jung-Chih Lin); 李明禮(Ming-Li Li); 柯妙華(Ko Miau-Hwa); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 黃郁晴(Yu-Ching Huang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011 Quercetin and rutin reduced the bioavailability of cyclosporine from Neoral, an immunosuppressant, through activating P-glycoprotein and CYP 3A4 余鍾苹(Chung-Ping Yu); 吳玢玢(Wu Ping-Ping); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 林宣霈(Shiuan-Pey Lin); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 陳炯東(Chiung-Tong Chen); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011 Quercetin and rutin reduced the bioavailability of cyclosporine from Neoral?, an immunosuppressant, through activating P-glycoprotein and CYP 3A4 余鍾苹(Chung-Ping Yu); 吳玢玢(Wu Ping-Ping); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 林宣霈(Shiuan-Pey Lin); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 陳炯東(Chiung-Tong Chen); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011 Flavonoid Pharmacokinetics and Tissue Distribution after Repeated Dosing of the Roots of Scutellaria baicalensis in Rats 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 林宣霈; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 柯妙華(Ko Miau-Hwa); 張芸嘉; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011 Isoflavone Urine Kinetics after Giving Soymilk to Healthy Adults in Taiwan 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); (YING-CHANG CHI); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011 Different Influences on Tacrolimus Pharmacokinetics by Coadministrations of Zhi Ke and Zhi Shi in Rats (Shiuan-Pey Lin); 吳玢玢(Wu Ping-Ping); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); (Meng-Ju Wang); 方世華; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011 Different Inuences on Tacrolimus Pharmacokinetics by Coadministrations of Zhi Ke and Zhi Shi in Rats 林宣霈(Shiuan-Pey Lin); 吳玢玢(Wu Ping-Ping); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 王孟珠(Meng-Ju Wang); 方世華(Shih-Hua Fang); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011 Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics of San-Huang-Xie-Xin-Tang,a Polyphenol - Rich Chinese Medicine Formula, in Ratsand Ex-vivo Antioxidant Activity (Chi-Sheng Shia); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 莊聲宏(Shin-Hun Juang); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); (Pei-Hsun Hsieh); (Lu-Ching Ho); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011 Citrus grandis Peel Increases the Bioavailability of Cyclosporine and Tacrolimus, Two Important Immunosuppressants, in Rats (Shiuan-Pey Lin); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); (Meng-Ju Wang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2010-04 Differences in Pharmacokinetics and Ex Vivo Antioxidant Activity Following Intravenous and Oral Administrations of Emodin to Rats 夏麒盛(Chi-Sheng Shia); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); (Pei-Hsun Huieh); (Yann-Lii Leu); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2009-12 Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of anthraquinones in Rheum palmatum in rats and ex-vivo antioxidant activity 夏麒盛; 莊聲宏(Shin-Hun Juang); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 張珮華; 郭盛助(Sheng-Chu Kuo); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2009-12 Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of anthraquinones in Rheum palmatum in rats and ex-vivo antioxidant activity 夏麒盛(Chi-Sheng Shia); 莊聲宏(Shin-Hun Juang); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 張珮華; 郭盛助(Sheng-Chu Kuo); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2009-06 Glycyrrhizin and licorice significantly affect the pharmacokinetics of methotrexate in rats 林宣霈(Lin, Shiuan-Pey); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2009-01 Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics of 3,3',4',7-Tetrahydroxyflavone (Fisetin),5-Hydroxyflavone, 7-Hydroxyflavone, and Anti-Hemolysis Effects of Fisetin and Its Serum Metabolites 夏麒盛(Chi-Sheng Shia); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 郭盛助(Sheng-Chu Kuo); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2009-01 Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics of 3,3',4',7-Tetrahydroxyflavone (Fisetin),5-Hydroxyflavone, 7-Hydroxyflavone, and Anti-Hemolysis Effects of Fisetin and Its Serum Metabolites 夏麒盛(Chi-Sheng Shia); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 郭盛助(Sheng-Chu Kuo); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2009 Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of anthraquinones in Rheum palmatum in rats and ex-vivo antioxidant activity 夏麒盛; 莊聲宏(Shin-Hun Juang); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 張珮華; 郭盛助(Sheng-Chu Kuo); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2009 Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics of San-Huang-Xie-Xin-Tang,a Polyphenol - Rich Chinese Medicine Formula, in Ratsand Ex-vivo Antioxidant Activity (Chi-Sheng Shia); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 莊聲宏(Shin-Hun Juang); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); (Pei-Hsun Hsieh); (Lu-Ching Ho); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2008-04 Biotransformation and Pharmacokinetics of 4-(3,4-Dihydroxybenzoyloxymethyl)- phenyl-O-β-D-glucopyranoside, an Antioxidant Isolated from Origanum vulgare 林宣霈(Shiuan-Pey Lin); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 林雲蓮(Yun-Lian Lin); 郭盛助(Sheng-Chu Kuo); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2008 Metabolic transformation of sesamol and ex-vivo effect on AAPH-induced hemolysis 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 劉怡伶(Liu I-Ling); 余鍾苹(Yu Chung-Ping); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2008 Indoxyl sulfate, a uremic toxin, is biotransformed from indoxyl-β-D-glucoside (indican) in rats 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 詹淑玲(Shu-Ling Chan); 楊詩盈(Shih-Ying Yang); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2008 Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of genipin and geniposide in rats 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 賴姵妘; 陳悅生(Yueh-Sheng Chen); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2007-09 Effects of Coadministrations of Unripe Fruits and Ripe Peels of Citrus aurantium on Cyclosporine Pharmacokinetics in Rats 王孟珠(M.J.Wang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2006 Marked decrease of cyclosporin bioavailability caused by coadministration of ginkgo and onion in rats, 楊啟裕(C.Y. Yang); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 徐素蘭*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 Bioavailability and Metabolic Pharmacokinetics of Rutin and Quercetin in Rats? 楊啟裕(Chi-Yu Yang); 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 林宣霈(S.P. Lin); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 Profound difference of metabolic pharmacokinetics between pure glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizin in licorice decoction? 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 經繐(Hui Ching); 林雅姿(Ya-Tze Lin); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 Effects of glucose, fructose and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde on the presystemic metabolism and absorption of glycyrrhizin in rabbits (accepted)? 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); (H. Ching); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); (P. H. Hsieh); 徐素蘭*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 Pharmacokinetic Difference Between Licorice and Honey-processed Licorice in Rabbits? 經繐(Hui Ching); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 林宣霈(Shiuan-Pey Lin); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2004-02 Significant Decrease of Cyclosporine Bioavailability Caused by Scutellariae Radix Decoction in Rats. 賴妙英(Miao-Ying Lai); 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2003-06 Comparison of metabolic pharmacokinetics of baicalin and baicalein in rats 賴妙英; 徐素蘭; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪; 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2002-10 Determination of hesperetin and its conjugate metabolites in serum and urine. (C.Y. Yang); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端; (H.F. Yen); (T.M. Chien); 徐素蘭*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2002 Influence of honey on the gastrointestinal metabolism and disposition of glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetic acid in rabbits. 經繐(H. Ching); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2001 Effect of honey and sugars on the metabolism and disposition of naringin in rabbits. 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 黃堂彥(T.Y. Huang); 楊啟裕(C.Y. Yang); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2001 Determination of morin, quercetin and their glucuronides in serum. 徐素蘭; (T.W. Tsao); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); (H.J. Ho); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2014-09-06 Potential Modulation on BCRP and CYP 3A4/2D6 by Cranberry: in vivo and in vitro Studies (Meng-Syuan Yang); (Pei-Wen Hsu); (Yu-Chin Lin); 林宣霈(Shiuan-Pey Lin); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2012-08-23 Milk Thistle decreased oral bioavailability of cyclosporine via activation of P-gp 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 楊詩盈(Shih-Ying Yang); 夏麒盛(Chi-Sheng Shia); 林宣霈(Shiuan-Pey Lin); 余鍾苹(Chung-Ping Yu); (Hsueh-Jung Liu); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2012-08-23 Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of resveratrol and emodin in rats after intake of Polygonum cuspidatum 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 林宣霈(Shiuan-Pey Lin); 余鍾苹(Chung-Ping Yu); 夏麒盛(Chi-Sheng Shia); 柯妙華(Ko Miau-Hwa); 吳孟壕(Meng-Hao Wu); (Hsueh-Jung Liu); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2012-08-23 Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution of resveratrol and emodin in rats after intake of Polygonum cuspidatum 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 林宣霈(Shiuan-Pey Lin); 余鍾苹(Chung-Ping Yu); 夏麒盛(Chi-Sheng Shia); 柯妙華(Ko Miau-Hwa); 吳孟壕(Meng-Hao Wu); (Hsueh-Jung Liu); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2012-02-15 Decreased phenytoin bioavailbaility caused by coadministration of rhubarb through activation of P-gp 姬盈璋(Ying-Chang Chi); 林宣霈(Shiuan-Pey Lin); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2009-03-22 Food-drug interaction between licorice and cyclosporine in rats 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*; 林宣霈; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2009-03-22 Miso markedly decreased cyclosporine absorption in rats 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*; 姬盈璋; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2008-05-11 Pharmacokinetic Interaction and mechanism study Between San-Huang-Shel-Shin Tang and Methotrexate 夏麒盛(Chi-Sheng Shia); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2008-05-03 Optimizing the preparation of naringenin nanosuspension 賴心怡(Hsin-Yi Lai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 陳安琪(An Chee Tan); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2008-05-03 Optimizing the nanosuspension preparation of hesperetin 王衍人(Yen-Jen Wang); 賴心怡(Hsin-Yi Lai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 陳安琪(An Chee Tan); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2007-11-17 台灣產茜草科植物美白作用之篩選 柯怡伶; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 江秀梅; 郭昭麟(Kuo C.L.); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2007-04-22 [DD-T-074] DISSOLUTION IMPROVEMENT OF MAGNOLOL BY SOLID DISPERSION WITH POVIDONE 廖慈雲(Liao Tzu-Yun); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 江秀梅; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2007-04-22 AMORPHOUS NARINGENIN FORMED BY GRINDING WITH POVIDONE (DD-W-088) 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 蔡瓊如(Tsai Chiung-Ju); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 江秀梅
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2006-12-23 Marked increase of oral bioavailabilities of cyclosporine and tacrolimus caused by coadministration of CGP 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 A single-point method for detecting pharmacokinetic interaction of Chinese herbs with Neoral? in rats.? 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); (Ying Chang Chi); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 Pharmacokinetics of indican and its effect on methotrexate disposition in rats? (Shu-Ling Chan); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 Urinary Pharmacokinetics of Isoflavones fromPuerariae Radix Decoction in Humans? 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); (Y.R. Yeh); 江秀梅; 徐素蘭*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 Life - threatening Interaction Between the Roots of Pueraria Lobata and Methotrexate in Rats? 徐素蘭; 江秀梅(Hsiu-Mei Chiang); (Shih-Hua Fang); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics of Rutin and Quercetin in Rats? (Chi-Yu Yang); 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); (Shiuan-Pey Lin); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 Urinary Pharmacokinetics of Isoflavones from Puerariae Radix Decoction in Humans? 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); (Yi-Rou Yeh); 江秀梅; 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen)?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 Urinary Pharmacokinetics of Isoflavones from Puerariae Radix Decoction in Human? 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); (Yi-Rou Yeh); 江秀梅(Hsiu-Mei Chiang); 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen)?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 Tissue Distribution of Rutin Metabolites after Intake of Flowers of Sophora japonica in Rats? (Pei-Yun Lai); (Chi-Yu Yang); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); (Shiuan-Pey Lin); 徐素蘭?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2004-05-30 Marked decrease of cyclosporin absorption by coadministration of soybean in rats. (Y.C. Chi); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2003-11-18 Marked decrease of cyclosporine bioavailability caused by coadministration of St. John’s Wort, ginkgo and onion in rats. (C.Y. Yang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 徐素蘭; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2003-09-04 Increased absorption of digoxin caused by coadministration of Citrus herbs in pigs. (Y.H Wang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2002-10-10 Comparison of Metabolic Pharmacokinetics of Baicalin and Baicalein in Rats 賴妙英(Miao-Ying Lai); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 徐素蘭; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2002-09-01 Effects of Structure on The Metabolic Pharmacokinetics of Quercetin and Morin in Rabbits and Rats 徐素蘭; (Ho H.J.); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); (Tsao C.W.); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2002-09-01 Effects of citrus herbs on cyclosporin pharmacokinetics in rats and pigs 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*; (Y. H. Wang); (C. Y. Yang); (M. J. Wang); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)


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