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    顯示 91 項.

    類別 日期 題名 作者 檔案
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 期刊論文 2009-04 Determination of Total Polyphenol Glycosides in Polygoni Cuspidati Rhizoma and Rumecis Radix 江秀梅; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 蕭珮玲; 邱振源; 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 專書 2008-12 A Phoenix Arising From Fire: New Applications of Old Traditional Herbs-- Ch 3. Metabolism and pharmacokinetics of glycosides in Chinese herbs 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 徐素蘭; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai)
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 研究計畫 2007-12-31 中西藥併用之安全探索-子計畫(二):以體內及體外之試驗模式探索大黃及何首烏對PHENYTOIN動力學之影響 江秀梅; 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2007-09 Effects of Coadministrations of Unripe Fruits and Ripe Peels of Citrus aurantium on Cyclosporine Pharmacokinetics in Rats 王孟珠(M.J.Wang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 研究計畫 2007-07-31 槲皮素、芸香?與中藥對METHOTREXATE動力學之影響及其機轉之探討(2/2) 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 徐素蘭
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 研究計畫 2007-07-31 富含多酚中藥與抗癲癇藥交互作用之評估 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2007-04-21 Lethal interaction between St. John’s wort and methotrexate in rats. (Shih-Ying Yang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 江秀梅; 徐素蘭; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2007-04-21 Pharmacokinetics of the Bark of Polygonum cuspidatum and Interaction with Methotrexate in Rats. (Meng-Hao Wu); 徐素蘭; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2007-04-21 Interaction Between a Legume Flower and Carbamazepine in Rats. (Ying-Chang Chi); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2007-04-21 Effect of Ger-Gen Chin-Lien Tang on thePharmacokinetics of Valproic Acidin Rats. (Lung-Yen Chen); 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪; 江秀梅
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2007-04-21 Timing Effect of Coadministration of Scutellariae Radix on Methotrexate Pharmacokinetics in Rats (Yun-Chia Chang); 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 江秀梅
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2007-04-21 Lethal interaction between St. John’s wort and methotrexate in rats. 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2007-04-21 Timing Effect of Coadministration of Scutellariae Radix on Methotrexate Pharmacokinetics in Rats 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2007-04-21 Effect of Ger-Gen Chin-Lien Tang on thePharmacokinetics of Valproic Acidin Rats. 徐素蘭
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 期刊論文 Ginger significantly decreased the oral bioavailability of cyclosporine in rats.? 江秀梅; 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2006 Effects of Citrus grandis Peels on Cyclosporin Concentration and Immune Responses in Mice 方世華(S.H.Fang)*; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2006 Pharmacokinetics and Conjugation Metabolism of Naringin and Naringenin in Rats after Single Dose and Multiple Dose Administrations 王孟珠(Meng-Ju Wang); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 Bioavailability and Metabolic Pharmacokinetics of Rutin and Quercetin in Rats? 楊啟裕(Chi-Yu Yang); 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 林宣霈(S.P. Lin); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 Urinary Pharmacokinetics of Rutin Metabolites after Intake of Sophorae japonica Decoction? (Yi-Ling Ko); (Chi-Yu Yang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 江秀梅; 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 Urinary Pharmacokinetics of Rutin Metabolites after Intake of Decoction of Flowers of Sophora japonica in Humans? (Yi-Ling Ko); (Chi-Yu Yang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 Life - threatening Interaction Between the Roots of Pueraria Lobata and Methotrexate in Rats? 徐素蘭; 江秀梅(Hsiu-Mei Chiang); (Shih-Hua Fang); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics of Rutin and Quercetin in Rats? (Chi-Yu Yang); 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); (Shiuan-Pey Lin); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 Urinary Pharmacokinetics of Isoflavones from Puerariae Radix Decoction in Humans? 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); (Yi-Rou Yeh); 江秀梅; 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen)?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 Tissue Distribution of Isoflavones after Intake of Puerariae Radix in Rats? 江秀梅; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); (Chung-Ping Yu); 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 Urinary Pharmacokinetics of Isoflavones from Puerariae Radix Decoction in Human? 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); (Yi-Rou Yeh); 江秀梅(Hsiu-Mei Chiang); 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen)?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 Tissue Distribution of Isoflavones after Intake of Puerariae Radix in Rats? 江秀梅(Hsiu-Mei Chiang); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); (Chung-Ping Yu); 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 專書 Herbs:challenges in chemistry and biology-ch16? 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 Profound difference of metabolic pharmacokinetics between pure glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizin in licorice decoction? 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 經繐(Hui Ching); 林雅姿(Ya-Tze Lin); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*?
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 期刊論文 Life - threatening interaction between the root extract of Pueraria lobata and methotrexate in rats? 江秀梅(Hsiu-Mei Chiang); 方世華(Shih-Hua Fang); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 徐素蘭; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 姬盈璋(Ying-Chang Chi); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 Pharmacokinetic Difference Between Licorice and Honey-processed Licorice in Rabbits? 經繐(Hui Ching); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 林宣霈(Shiuan-Pey Lin); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2004-06 治療嚴重型急性呼吸道症候群中草藥之開發---子計畫三:經活體活化之抗SARS多酚類製程平台之開發 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2004-05-30 Marked difference of presystemic metabolism and pharmacokinetics between pure glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhizin in licorice decoction. 徐素蘭; (S.P. Lin); (H. Ching); (Y.T. Lin); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2004-05-30 Marked decrease of cyclosporin absorption by coadministration of soybean in rats. (Y.C. Chi); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2004-05-30 Bioavailability, metabolism and pharmacokinetics of emodin in rats 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*; (Pei-Hua Chang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2004-05-30 Dose Effects of 5-hydroxyflavone and flavone on cyclosporine pharmacokinetics in rats (Chi-Sheng Shia); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2004-05-30 Effects of glucose, fructose and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde on the presystemic metabolism and disposition of glycyrrhizin in rabbits. (M.J. Wang); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2004-05-30 Dose Effects of 5-hydroxyflavone and flavone (Chi-Sheng Shia); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2004-05-30 Pharmacokinetics of hesperetin in rats. (J.Y. Chen); (C.Y. Yang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2004-05-30 Profound influence of cyclosporin absorption by coadministration of cordyceps in rats. 江秀梅; 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); (C.P. Yu); 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2004-05-30 Bioavailability, metabolism and pharmacokinetics of Hesperetin in rats (JY Chen); (C.Y. Yang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2004-05-30 Anti-Hemolysis Effect of Sun-Huang-Xie-Xin-Tang in Rats (Peu-Hsun Huieh..); 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2004-05-30 Effect of honey-processing on pharmacokinetics of licorice in rabbits. 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); (H. Ching); (S.P. Lin); (M.Y. Lai); 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2004-05-29 Anti-hemolysis effect of Sun-Huang-Xie-Xin-Tang in rats. (P.H. Huieh); 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2004-05-29 Effect of honey-processing on pharmacokinetics of licorice in rabbits 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*; 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); (H. Ching); (S.P. Lin); 賴妙英(Miao-Ying Lai); 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2004-02 Significant Decrease of Cyclosporine Bioavailability Caused by Scutellariae Radix Decoction in Rats. 賴妙英(Miao-Ying Lai); 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2004-01 Lethal quercetin-digoxin interaction in pig. 王耀宏(Y.H. Wang); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); 徐素蘭; 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2003-11-18 Bioavailability, metabolism and pharmacokinetics of anthraquinones in rhubarb in rats. 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); (P.H. Chang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*; (Y.T. Lin .); 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2003-11-18 Marked decrease of cyclosporine bioavailability caused by coadministration of St. John’s Wort, ginkgo and onion in rats. (C.Y. Yang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 徐素蘭; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2003-11-18 Effects of emodin and emodin-containing herbs on cyclosporin bioavailability. 徐素蘭; (CHANG Pei-Hua); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2003-11-18 Morin and its sulfate/glucuronide metabolites exert anti-inflammatory activity on activated macrophages and prevent experimental septic shock. (S.H. Fang)*; 徐素蘭; (W.C. Chang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); (B.L. Chiang.)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2003-11-18 Pharmacokinetic interactions of rutin and flos sophorae with digoxin in pigs. 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); (Y.H. Wang); 徐素蘭; (C.Y. Yang); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2003-11-18 Bioavailability, metabolism and pharmacokinetics of anthraquinones in rhubarb in rats. 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*; (P.H. Chang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); (Y.T. Lin); 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2003-11 Morin sulfates/glucuronindes exert anti-inflammatory activity on activated macrophages and decreased the incidence of septic shock 方世華(S.H. Fang)*; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 張文正(Chang WC); 徐素蘭; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 江伯倫(B.L.Chiang)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2003-09-04 Effects of emodin and emodin-containing herbs on cyclosporin bioavailability 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*; (P. H. Chang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); (Y. T. Lin); 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2003-09-04 Pharmacokinetic interactions of flos sophorae and rutin with digoxin in pigs 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)*; (Y.H Wang); 徐素蘭; (C. Y. Yang); (C. S. Hsia); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2003-06 Comparison of metabolic pharmacokinetics of baicalin and baicalein in rats 賴妙英; 徐素蘭; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 侯鈺琪; 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 Degradation of flavonoid aglycones by rabbit, rat and human fecal flora. 林雅姿(YT Lin); 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 陳鴻儀; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2003-01 A degucosylated metabolite of Paeoniflorin of the root of Paeonia lactiflora and its pharmacokinetics 徐素蘭; (Y.T.Lin); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2003-01 Urinary pharmacokinetics of baicalein, wogonin and their glycosides after oral administration of Scutellariae Radix in humans. 賴妙英(Miao-Ying Lai); 徐素蘭; 陳忠川; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2003 St. John’s Wort – CyclosporinInteraction in Rats and Pigs. 楊啟裕(C. Y. Yang); 王耀宏(Y. H. Wang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2002-10-10 Comparison of Metabolic Pharmacokinetics of Baicalin and Baicalein in Rats 賴妙英(Miao-Ying Lai); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 徐素蘭; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2002-09-01 Marked Decrease of Cyclosporine Absorption Cause By Coadministration of Ginkgo And Onion in Rat 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); (C. Y. Yang); (Y. R. Yeh); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2002-09-01 Marked Decrease of Cyclosporine Absorption Cause By Coadministration of Ginkgo and Onion in Rat 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*; (C. Y. Yang); (Y. R. Yeh); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2002-09-01 Effects of Structure on The Metabolic Pharmacokinetics of Quercetin and Morin in Rabbits and Rats 徐素蘭; (Ho H.J.); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); (Tsao C.W.); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2002-01 Influence of Honey on the Gastrointestinal metabolism and Disposition of Glycyrrhizin and Glycyrrhetic acid in Rabbits (Ching H); 侯鈺琪; 徐素蘭; 蔡尚元(Tsai SY); 李珮端*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2002 Quercetin significantly decreased cyclosporin oral bioavailability in pigs and rats. 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 王耀宏(Y.H. Wang); 曹智菀(C.W. Tsao); 蘇聖芳(S.F. Su); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2002 Comparison of metabolic pharmacokinetics of naringin and naringenin in rabbits. 徐素蘭; 黃堂彥(T.Y. Huang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 金德航(D. H. Chin); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2002 Flavonoids in Herbs : Biological Fates and Potential Interactions with Xenobiotics. 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*; 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2002 Relative flavone bioavailability of Scutellariae Radix between traditional decoction and commercial powder preparation in humans. 賴妙英(Miao-Ying Lai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 陳忠川; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2002 Influence of honey on the gastrointestinal metabolism and disposition of glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetic acid in rabbits. 經繐(H. Ching); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2001-09-04 Effects of Quercetin on the Pharmacokinetics of Digoxin and Cyclosporin in Pigs 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*; (Y. H. Wang); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2001-07-28 中西藥並用之安全評估及其開發潛力 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 徐素蘭; 賴妙英(Miao-Ying Lai); 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 經繐; 王耀宏; 陳鴻儀(Hung-Yi Chen)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2001 Effect of honey and sugars on the metabolism and disposition of naringin in rabbits. 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 黃堂彥(T.Y. Huang); 楊啟裕(C.Y. Yang); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2001 Determination of morin, quercetin and their glucuronides in serum. 徐素蘭; (T.W. Tsao); 蔡尚元(Shang-Yuan Tsai); (H.J. Ho); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2001 Analysis and comparison of baicalin, baicalein and wogonin contents in traditional decoctions and commercial extracts of Scutellariae Radix . 賴妙英(Miao-Ying Lai); 陳忠川; 徐素蘭; 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2001 Comparison of pharmacokinetics between glycyrrhizin and glycyrrhetic acid in rabbits. 經繐(H. Ching); 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 陳忠川; 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2000 Effect of honey on naringin absorption from a decoction of the pericarps of Ctrus grandis 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 顏秀芳(H.F. Yen); 陳忠川; 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2000 Acute intoxication of cyclosporin caused by coadministration of decoctions of the fruits of Citrus aurantium and the pericarps of Citrus grandis in swine. 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 徐素蘭; 曹智菀(C.W. Tsao); 王耀宏(Y.H. Wang); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao)*
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 期刊論文 2005-06 Metabolic pharmacokinetics of isoflavones in the roots of Pueraria lobata in rats 江秀梅(Hsiu-Mei Chiang); 葉怡柔(Yi-Rou Yeh); 李珮端(Pei-Dawn Lee Chao); 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪(Hou YuChi); 姬盈璋(Ying-Chang Chi); 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen)*
    [中國醫藥大學] 研究計畫 1999-06 抗老化中藥療效評估之基礎研究---中藥中黃酮類抗氧化成分之吸收與代謝 李珮端; 徐素蘭
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 研究計畫 2005-12-31 建立中藥化學指紋圖譜影像辨識之技術平台 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 李珮端; 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪; 趙銘
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 1999-06 含柚皮甘中藥對Cyclostorin之藥品動力學影響 李珮端; 徐素蘭
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 研究計畫 2008-07-31 紫花苜蓿之美白作用、抑制基質金屬蛋白酶作用及其機制與安全性之探討 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 徐素蘭; 江秀梅
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 研究計畫 2007-12-31 中西藥併用之安全性探索 江秀梅; 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2007-07-31 香椿中多酚之代謝、吸收、組織分佈與生物活性研究(1/2) 侯鈺琪(Hou,Yu-Chi); 李珮端(Pei Dawn Lee Chao); 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2002-12 以動物模式比較槐花、甘草水煎劑與其濃縮製劑中活性指標成分之相對生體可用率 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪; 李珮端
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 研究計畫 2006-12 中西藥併用之安全性探索 (整合型) 許游章; 侯鈺琪; 徐素蘭
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2007-07 槲皮素、芸香甘與中藥對Methotrexate動力學之影響及其機轉之探討(II) 徐素蘭; 侯鈺琪; 溫國慶; 李珮端
    [醫學系] 研究計畫 1993-06 中藥製劑化學成分定量研究 李珮湍; 徐素蘭
    [藥用化妝品學系暨碩士班 ] 研究計畫 2008-07-31 從藥物動力學出發探討中藥多酚之生物活性及其與西藥之交互作用及機制---中藥黃酮多酚及其代謝產物之組織分佈、代謝物之製備及其與 Carbamezepine之交互作用與機制探討 溫國慶(Kuo-Ching Wen); 徐素蘭


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