本研究以美國工業衛生學會(AIHA)提出職業暴露評估與處理策略作基礎,以單一暴露危害物二甲基甲醯胺(DMF)為主,初步危害分析評分方法,針對PU樹脂合成皮工廠相似暴露群(SEGs, Similar Exposure Groups)實施量化風險評估,以瞭解全廠勞工DMF暴露情況,發掘潛在之高危險族群。研究對象為中部三家PU合成皮工廠共有235名DMF暴露勞工,其中針對某一家傳統式PU合成皮工廠在不同月份分四次採樣比較DMF濃度之差異。研究方法包括實施初步危害評分、勞工問卷調查、DMF溶劑環境測定、上下班尿中NMF生物偵測及健康檢查肝功能指數(SGPT)等,根據上述資料,共同探討相似暴露群組勞工作業環境溶劑暴露情形及其相關性,以擬定適當環境採樣策略,並建立暴露模式來推估勞工暴露DMF情形。 結果顯示A廠以處理機相似暴露群算術平均濃度16.28 ppm最高,其次為乾式機相似暴露群為12.87 ppm,其中有處理機等四個相似暴露群算術平均95﹪信賴區間上限值有超過容許濃度標準,B廠以濕式機相似暴露群為15.60 ppm最高,其次為濕式配色相似暴露群為13.37 ppm ,其中有濕式機等六個相似暴露群濃度之算術平均信賴區間上限值也超過容許濃度標準,必須加強廠內環境工程改善。本研究三家工廠整合初步危害評分量化模式:DMF(ppm) = 0.25×初步危害評分 + 3.08,R=0.699 (P=0.011),下班後尿中NMF模式:NMF(mg/g cre.) = 0.88×DMF (ppm )+ 11.68,R=0.268(P<0.001)。高濃度暴露群勞工發現有較高肝功能(SGPT)異常結果,自覺症狀以低暴露組比例較高,可能產生健康工人效應。 本研究以單一暴露危害物DMF 量化風險評估方法建立採樣策略,並作相似暴露群建立及檢定之過程,希望國內各事業單位利用相似暴露群之觀念,研擬完整職業衛生計畫,以避免職場職業病案例發生。; The objective of this study was to assess the DMF exposure risk of PU synthetic leather plants similar exposure groups (SEGs). The theory is based on AIHA ‘a strategy for occupational exposure assessment’. The method was priority ranking by information gathered from SEGs to understand the DMF exposure of the PU synthetic leather workers and to find the high risk of the DMF exposure workers in the workplace. 235 workers were recruited from three PU synthetic leather factories in Taiwan central area. A traditional PU synthetic leather factory’s workers were sampled four times in different months to compare the difference of DMF exposure. The methods included the preliminary priority rating, questionnaire, DMF circumstance monitoring, preshift urine NMF (N-methyl-formamide), endshift urine NMF and the medical examination liver function test SGPT (or called ALT, alanine aminotransferase). According to above, I evaluate the correlation of the SEGs DMF exposure to each other’s factors frame the workplace’s environmental sampling stragety and promote the DMF exposure model to assess the workplace’s DMF exposure situation. 16.28 ppm of DMF concentration in air was found to be the highest level in surface treatment SEG compared to other SEGs in ‘A’ factory, followed by dry coating machine SEG was 12.87 ppm. Four SEGs’ distribution upper tolerance limit (UTL) of 95% C.I. of mean DMF concentration in air was found to exceed permissible exposure level (10 ppm). 15.60 ppm of DMF concentration in air was found to be the highest level in wet coating machine SEG compared to other SEGs in ‘B’ factory, followed by wet resin mixing SEG was 13.37 ppm. Six SEGs DMF concentration in air, the distribution upper tolerance limit (UTL) of 95% C.I.of mean was found to exceed permissible exposure level. These SEGs’ ventilation system must be improved to protect the workers’ health. The levels of DMF in air were highly correlated with the levels of preliminary priority rating in three factories. We got priority rating model: DMF(ppm)= 0.25×priority rating +3.08 R=0.699 (p=0.011). The N-methyl formamide (NMF) in post end-shift urine correlated with the levels of DMF in air was NMF(mg/g cre.)= 0.88×DMF (ppm )+ 11.68,R=0.268(P<0.001). There was a high liver function indices of SGPT in high concentration DMF exposure groups (>10 ppm). There were high self-symptoms scores in low DMF concentration groups. This might be the healthy worker effects. The purpose of this research was to promote DMF sampling stragety by DMF risk assessment. We have defined the similar exposure groups and measured the SEGs’ goodness-of-fit. We hope the PU synthetic leather plants can promote the SEGs’ conception, improve occupational hygiene plan, and avoid occupational diseases.