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    "鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)"的相关文件  


    显示 63 项.

    类别 日期 题名 作者 档案
    [中國藥學暨中藥資源學系暨碩博班] 研究計畫 2014-07-31 全基因體分析雄激素受體和雌激素受體結合位點上的單一核酸多型性與 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Huang SP)
    [中國藥學暨中藥資源學系暨碩博班] 研究計畫 2013-07-31 全基因體分析雄激素受體和雌激素受體結合位點上的單一核酸多型性與 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Huang SP)
    [中國藥學暨中藥資源學系暨碩博班] 研究計畫 2012-07-31 全基因體分析雄激素受體和雌激素受體結合位點上的單一核酸多型性與 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Huang SP)
    [中國藥學暨中藥資源學系暨碩博班] 研究計畫 2012-04-30 評估雌激素受體結合位點基因變異預測雄性素去除法治療前列腺癌的效果 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [中國藥學暨中藥資源學系暨碩博班] 研究計畫 2011-07-31 評估雌激素受體結合位點基因變異預測雄性素去除法治療前列腺癌的效果 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [公共衛生學系暨碩博班] 期刊論文 2011-01 Genetic variation in the genome-wide predicted estrogen response element-related sequences is associated with breast cancer development 俞志誠(Jyh-Cherng Yu); 熊嘉妮(Chia-Ni Hsiung); 許桓銘(Huan-Ming Hsu); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); 陳守棟(Shou-Tung Chen); 許居誠(Giu-Cheng Hsu); 周文城(Wen-Cheng Chou); 胡齡月(Ling-Yueh Hu); 丁先玲(Shian-Ling Ding); 鄭鈞文(Chun-Wen Cheng); 吳佩怡(Pei-Ei Wu); 沈志陽(Chen-Yang Shen)*
    [台中附設醫院] 研究計畫 2015-07-31 男性激素接受器及其基因多樣性在子宮內膜癌進程之相關研究 陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen); 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung); 張維君(Wei-Chun Chang); 馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [台中附設醫院] 研究計畫 2013-07-31 雄激素受體基因單核?酸多型性及其代謝路徑與子宮內膜癌預後的關聯 陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen); 馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [職業安全與衛生學系暨碩士班] 期刊論文 2015-06 Short-term exposure to noise, fine particulate matter and nitrogen oxides on ambulatory blood pressure: A repeated-measure study (Li-Te Chang); (Kai-Jen Chuang); 楊惟婷(Wei-Ting Yang); 王文忻(Ven-Shing Wang); (Hsiao-Chi Chuang); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); 劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu); 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang)*
    [職業安全與衛生學系暨碩士班] 期刊論文 2014-05 Road traffic noise frequency and prevalent hypertension in Taichung, Taiwan: A cross-sectional study 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang)*; (Rob Beelen); 李夙斐(Su-Fei Li); 陳姿宜(Tzu-I Chen); 林彥儒(Yen-Ju Lin); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); 劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu)
    [職業安全與衛生學系暨碩士班] 期刊論文 2013-08-23 Frequency components of measured road traffic noise and the prevalence of hypertension in Taichung, Taiwan 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang)*; (Rob Beelen); 李夙斐(Su-Fei Li); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); 劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu)
    [職業安全與衛生學系暨碩士班] 期刊論文 2013-06-21 Acute Effects of Occupational Noise Exposure on 24-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure in Workers with Hypertension 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang); 黃彬芳(Bing-Fang Hwang); 劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu); 謝琇惠(Hsiu-Hui Hsieh); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); 賴俊雄; 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang)
    [職業安全與衛生學系暨碩士班] 期刊論文 2012-08 A modified Nordic prediction model of road traffic noise in a Taiwanese city with significant motorcycle traffic 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang); (Hsiao-Ching Lin); 楊惟婷(Wei-Ting Yang); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Chang-Chuan Chan)*
    [職業安全與衛生學系暨碩士班] 期刊論文 2012-07 Effects of Environmental Noise Exposure on 24-Hour Ambulatory Vascular Properties in Adults 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang)*; 劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu); 謝琇惠(Hsiu-Hui Hsieh); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); 賴俊雄
    [職業安全與衛生學系暨碩士班] 期刊論文 2012-06 Occupational noise exposure and incident hypertension in men: a prospective cohort study 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang)*; 黃彬芳(Bing-Fang Hwang); 劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu); 陳稔尹(Ren-Yin Chen); 王文忻(Ven-Shing Wang); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); 賴俊雄
    [職業安全與衛生學系暨碩士班] 期刊論文 2012-02 Noise frequency components and the prevalence of hypertension in workers 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang)*; 劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu); 楊禮豪(Li-Hao Young); 王文忻(Ven-Shing Wang); 簡伸恩(Shen-En Jian); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [職業安全與衛生學系暨碩士班] 期刊論文 2011-04 High-frequency hearing loss, occupational noise exposure and hypertension: a cross-sectional study in male workers 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang)*; 劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu); 黃桂虹(High-Kuei-Hung Huang); 陳稔尹(Ren-Yin Chen); 賴俊雄; 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [職業安全與衛生學系暨碩士班] 期刊論文 2011-02 Characterization of road traffic noise exposure and prevalence of hypertension in central Taiwan 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang)*; 劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); 李夙斐(Su-Fei Li); 陳姿宜(Tzu-I Chen); 林彥儒(Yen-Ju Lin)
    [職業安全與衛生學系暨碩士班] 期刊論文 2010-11 Characterization of road traffic noise exposure and prevalence of hypertension in central Taiwan 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang)*; 劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); 李夙斐(Su-Fei Li); 陳姿宜(Tzu-I Chen); 林彥儒(Yen-Ju Lin)
    [職業安全與衛生學系暨碩士班] 會議論文 2014-08-28 Occupational noise frequency and incident hypertension: an industry-based cohort study 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang)*; 余姿儀(Tzu-Yi Yu); 劉秋松(Chiu-Shong Liu); 楊禮豪(Li-Hao Young); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang)
    [醫學系] 研究計畫 2012-07-31 雄性素接受器在子宮內膜癌發展過程與轉移所扮演的角色 張穎宜(Yin-Yi Chang)*; 洪耀欽(Yao-Ching Hung); 張傳祥(Chawnshang Chang); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); 馬文隆(Wen-Lung Ma)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2016-07-31 利用全基因體掃描維生素D路徑基因變異以研究前列腺癌進展之病因與鑑別個人化醫療之生物標記 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2015-07-31 利用全基因體掃描維生素D路徑基因變異以研究前列腺癌進展之病因與鑑別個人化醫療之生物標記 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2014-07-31 利用全基因體掃描維生素D路徑基因變異以研究前列腺癌進展之病因與鑑別個人化醫療之生物標記 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2012-07-31 癌細胞發展過程產生維生素D抗藥性的作用機轉及其臨床上的應用 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2010-12-31 前列腺癌根治術後復發的易感性變異精細定位和功能分析 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2010-09-30 前列腺癌對維生素D抗藥性基因研究 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2009-07-31 維生素D抗氧化及DNA修復作用與前列腺癌的風險評估 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2009-06-30 全基因體分析雄激素受體和雌激素受體結合位點上的單一核酸多型性與前列腺癌的風險評估 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2008-07-31 維生素D抗氧化及DNA修復作用與前列腺癌的風險評估 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 研究計畫 2008-06-30 維生素D、抗氧化系統與前列腺癌的風險評估 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2015-01 The Associations of Novel Vitamin D3 Metabolic Gene CYP27A1 Polymorphism, Adiponectin/Leptin Ratio, and Metabolic Syndrome in Middle-Aged Taiwanese Males (Kai-Hung Cheng); (Edward Hsi); (Chia-Chu Liu); (Chun-Nung Huang); (Yung-Chin Lee); (Chih-Sheng Chu); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Chu-Fen Chang); (Shu-Pin Huang)*; (Po-Lin Kuo); (Wen-Ter Lai)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2013-12 Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors引起肝臟損傷之文獻回顧 江姿宜*; 黃靖雅(Ching-Ya Huang); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); 謝右文(Yow-Wen Hsieh)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2013-02 Molecular markers in Key Steroidogenic Pathways, Circulating steroid levels and Prostate Cancer progression (Levesque E); (Huang SP); (Audet-Walsh E); (Lacombe L); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Fradet Y); (Laverdiere I); (Rouleau M); (Huang CY); (Caron P); (Guillemette C)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2012-07 Synthesis and Cytotoxicity Testing of New Amido-Substituted Triazolopyrrolo[2,1-c][1,4]benzodiazepine (PBDT) Derivatives (Kumaraswamy Sorra); (Chi-Fen Chang); (Srinivas Pusuluri); (Khagga Mukkanti); (Min-Chiau Laiu); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Chia-Hao Su)*; 莊大賢(Ta-Hsien Chuang)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2012-07 Genetic Variants in CASP3, BMP5, and IRS2 Genes May Influence Survival in Prostate Cancer Patients Receiving Androgen-Deprivation Therapy (Huang SP)*; 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Hour TC); (Huang CY); (Yu CC); (Liu CC); (Lee YC); (Huang CN); (Pao JB); (Huang CH)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011-12 The First Bis-Retrochalcone from Fissistigma latifolium 藍于琁(Lan Yu Hsuan)*; (Yann-Lii Leu); 彭意婷(Yi-Ting Peng); (Tran-Dinh Thang); 林佳貞(Chia-Chen Lin); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011-08 Impact of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) nadir and time to PSA nadir on disease progression in prostate cancer treated with androgen-deprivation therapy (Huang SP)*; 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Wu MT); (Choueiri TK); (Goggins WB); (Huang CY); (Pu YS); (Yu CC); (Huang CH)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011-02 Polymorphisms inside MicroRNAs and MicroRNA Target Sites Predict Clinical Outcomes in Prostate Cancer Patients Receiving Androgen-Deprivation Therapy. 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Pao JB); (Huang CN); (Pu YS); 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang); 藍于琁(Lan Yu Hsuan); 陸德齡(Lu Te-Ling); 李鳳琴(Hong-Zin Lee); 莊聲宏(Shin-Hun Juang); 陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen); (Hsieh CJ); (Huang SP)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011 Significant associations of prostate cancer susceptibility variants with survival in patients treated with androgen-deprivation therapy 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Pao JB); (Huang CN); (Pu YS); 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang); 藍于琁(Lan Yu Hsuan); 陸德齡(Lu Te-Ling); 李鳳琴(Hong-Zin Lee); 陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen); (Ting WC); (Hsieh CJ); (Huang SP)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011 SRD5A Polymorphisms and Biochemical Failure After Radical Prostatectomy (Audet-Walsh E); (Bellemare J); (Nadeau G); (Lacombe L); (Fradet Y); (Fradet V); (Huang SP); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Douville P); (Girard H); (Guillemette C)*; (Levesque E)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011 Proteomics displays cytoskeletal proteins and chaperones involvement in Hedyotis corymbosa-induced photokilling in skin cancer cells 游邦照(Bang-Jau You); 吳永昌; (Chi-Yu Wu); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Mei-Yu Chen); (Yu-Hao Chang); 李鳳琴(Hong-Zin Lee)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011 Deletions of the Androgen-Metabolizing UGT2B Genes Have an Effect on Circulating Steroid Levels and Biochemical Recurrence after Radical Prostatectomy in Localized Prostate Cancer (Nadeau G); (Bellemare J); (Audet-Walsh E); (Flageole C); (Huang SP); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Douville P); (Caron P); (Fradet Y); (Lacombe L); (Guillemette C)*; (Levesque E)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2011 Significant associations of prostate-specific antigen nadir and time to prostate-specific antigen nadir with survival in prostate cancer patients treated with androgen-deprivation therapy (Huang SP)*; 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Wu MT); (Choueiri TK); (Goggins WB); (Liu CC); (Huang CY); (Pu YS); (Yu CC); (Wu TT); (Huang CN); (Huang CH); (Wu WJ)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2010-12 A New Approach to Prediction of Radiotherapy of Bladder Cancer Cells in Small Dataset Analysis (Gy-Yi Chao); (Tung-I Tsai); (Te-Jung Lu); (Hung-Chang Hsu); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); 陸德齡(Lu Te-Ling)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2010-09 Individual and cumulative association of prostate cancer susceptibility variants with clinicopathologic characteristics of the disease 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Pao JB); (Lin VC); (Huang CN); 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang); 藍于琁(Lan Yu Hsuan); 陸德齡(Lu Te-Ling); 李鳳琴(Hong-Zin Lee); 陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen); 丁文謙(Wen-Chien Ting); (Hsieh CJ); (Huang SP)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2010-09 Proteomic analysis reveals ATP-dependent steps and chaperones involvement in luteolin-induced lung cancer CH27 cell apoptosis 李鳳琴(Hong-Zin Lee); 楊文惠(Yang, Wen-Hui); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); 羅佩苓(Pei-Ling Lo)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2010-09 Photodynamic activity of aloe-emodin induces resensitization of lung cancer cells to anoikis 李鳳琴(Hong-Zin Lee)*; 楊文惠(Yang, Wen-Hui); 侯曼貞(Hour Mann-Jen); (Chi-Yu Wu); 彭文煌(Wen-Huang Peng); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Ping-Hsiu Han); 包大靝(Da-Tian Bau)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2010-07 長期照護機構之藥事照護模式成效分析 鮑俊蓓; 楊瑛碧*; 楊文理; 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); 張澶榮
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2010-06 Clinical Significance of Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor Superfamily Member 11b Polymorphism in Prostate Cancer 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Lin VC); (Huang SH); (Pao JB); 張大元(Ta-Yuan Chang); 陸德齡(Lu Te-Ling); 藍于琁(Lan Yu Hsuan); 陳璐敏(Lu-Min Chen); 丁文謙(Wen-Chien Ting); 楊文惠(Yang, Wen-Hui); (Hsieh CJ); (Huang SP)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2010-05 Down-regulation of NF- B signals is involved in loss of 1 ,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 responsiveness 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Ting HJ); (Hsu JW); (Yasmin-Karim S); (Messing E); (Lee YF)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2008-07 Oxidative stress stimulates testicular orphan receptor 4 through forkhead transcription factor forkhead box O3a (Li G); (Lee YF); (Liu S); (Cai Y); (Xie S); (Liu NC); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Chen Z); (Chang C)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2008-06 Protective role of 1 alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 against oxidative stress in nonmalignant human prostate epithelial cells 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (HJ Ting); (JW Hsu); (YF Lee)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2007-09 Increased Expression of Corepressors in Aggressive Androgen-Independent Prostate Cancer Cells Results in Loss of 1,25-Dihydroxyvitamin D3 Responsiveness (Ting HJ); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Reeder JE); (Messing EM); (Lee YF)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2007-03 Docetaxel-induced growth inhibition and apoptosis in androgen independent prostate cancer cells are enhanced by 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (Ting HJ); (Hsu J); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Lee YF)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2007-03 Evaluation of C-2-substituted 19-nor-1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 analogs as therapeutic agents for prostate cancer (Chen TC)*; (Persons KS); (Zheng S); (Mathieu J); (Holick MF); (Lee YF); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Arai MA); (Kittaka A)
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2006-09 1alpha, 25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 suppresses interleukin-8-mediated prostate cancer cell angiogenesis 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Yao J); (Lee YF)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 inhibits prostate cancer cell invasion via modulation of selective proteases? 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Yeh SD); (Lee YF)*?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 Androgen-receptor coregulators mediate the suppressive effect of androgen signals on vitamin D receptor activity? 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Ting HJ); (Hsu CL); (Lee YF)?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 Modulation of the retinoic acid-induced cell apoptosis and differentiation by the human TR4 orphan nuclear receptor? (Lee YF); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Chang C)?
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2004-04 Androgen signaling is required for the vitamin D-mediated growth inhibition in human prostate cancer cells 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Hu YC); (Ting HJ); (Lee YF)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 期刊論文 2004-01 Androgen suppresses PML protein expression in prostate cancer CWR22R cells (Yang L); (Yeh SD); (Xie S); (Altuwaijri S); (Ni J); (Hu YC); (Chen YT); 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (Su CH); (Chang C)*
    [藥學系暨碩博士班] 會議論文 2006-06-24 Activation of 1alpha,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 receptor by DNA damage signal reduces DNA damages and enhances expression of DNA repair genes 鮑柏穎(Bo-Ying Bao); (HJ Ting); (YF Lee)*


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