母鼠雙側卵巢切除後會使腦部脂質過氧化程度上升,投予17?-estradiol可消除此上升作用,這些證實雌激素具有抗氧化作用。我們探討中藥方劑歸脾湯對去卵巢大鼠誘發腦部脂質過氧化的影響。去卵巢大鼠餵食含歸脾湯1 %、3%或5 % 的飼料12週。歸脾湯有意義減少去卵巢大鼠大腦皮質、紋狀體和海馬迴不加鐵誘發和加鐵誘發的脂質過氧化值,對加鐵與不加鐵誘發脂質過氧化差值也有抑制作用。以生體活性氧如超氧陰離子、氫氧自由基和歸脾湯作用來評估其抗氧化性質。歸脾湯對超氧陰離子清除能力不佳,但可以很快和氫氧自由基作用,其二次反應常數為1.10 *10 10 / M / sec。由這些結果推測歸脾湯對去卵巢大鼠腦部氧化傷害的保護作用與其清除自由基的能力有關。; The increase in the lipid peroxidation (LPO) level in the brain of female rats after bilateral ovariectomy, and this increase was abolished upon administration of 17?-estradiol. These results evidenced that estrogen present antioxidant activity in brain of female rats. We examined the effects of Gui-Pi-Tang (GPT), a traditional Chinese medicine, on increased LPO level in the brain of ovariectomized (OVX) rats. Ovariectomized rats were provided with a diet containing 1 %, 3 % or 5 % GPT for 12 weeks. GPT significantly decreased 1) the contents of Fe-independent and Fe-dependent LPO concentrations in cerebral cortex, striatum and hippocampus in OVX rats; 2) the differences between Fe-stimulated level of LPO and the basal level in same examined tissues.The antioxidant properties of GPT were also evaluated by studying the ability of this drug to reactive with relevant biological oxidants such as superoxide anion radical and hydroxyl radical. GPT is not good scavenger of superoxide anion. However, it reacts rapidly with OH radical with a second-order rate constant 1.10 * 10 10 / M / sec. Our results suggested that the protection against oxidative damage by GPT in the OVX rat brain may be due to its scavenging activity against free radicals.