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    顯示項目3101-3125 / 5608. (共225頁)
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    2013-11 Prediction of microRNA-regulated protein interaction pathways in Arabidopsis using machine learning algorithms (Nilubon Kurubanjerdjit); (Chien-Hung Huang); (Yu-liang Lee); (JeffreyJ.P.Tsai); 吳家樂(Ka-Lok Ng)*
    2003 Prediction of stone disease by discriminant analysis and artificial neural networks in genetic polymorphisms: a new method Chiang, D; Chiang, HC; Chen, WC; Tsai, FJ
    2003 Prediction of stone disease by discriminant analysis and artificial neural networks in genetic polymorphisms: a new method Chiang, D; Chiang, HC; Chen, WC; Tsai, FJ
    2003 Prediction of survival in surgical unresectable lung cancer by artificial neural networks including genetic polymorphisms and clinical parameters Hsia, TC; Chiang, HC; Chiang, D; Hang, LW; Tsai, FJ; Chen, WC
    2009-01 Predictive cross-hexagon search algorithm for fast block motion estimation 歐陽彥杰(Yen-Chieh Ouyang); 黃莉娟(Li-Jiuan Huang); 陳享民(Hsian-Min Chen)*
    2013-10-06 A Predictive Index using the Inosine Triphosphate Pyrophosphatase Gene Allele Status to Predict Ribavirin-induced Hemolytic Anemia in Genotype 1 Hepatitis C Virus-infected Asian Patients Receiving Pegylated Interferon and Ribavirin Combination Therapy 陳昇弘(Sheng-Hung Chen); 彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng); 賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai); 蘇文邦(Wen-Pang Su); 莊伯恒(Po-Heng Chuang); 高榮達(Jung-Ta Kao)
    2013-03-17 Predictive role of quantitative serum HBsAg level in HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients undergoing peginterferon therapy 莊世杰(Shih-Chieh Chuang); 彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng); 賴學洲(Hsueh-Chou Lai); 蘇文邦(Wen-Pang Su); 莊伯恒(Po-Heng Chuang); 高榮達(Jung-Ta Kao); 莊世杰(Shih-Chieh Chuang); 彭成元(Cheng-Yuan Peng)
    2015-04 Predictors of long-term diabetes remission after metabolic surgery 李旻憲(Ming-Hsien Lee); (Wei-Jei Lee)*; (Keong Chong); (Jung-Chien Chen); (Kong-Han Ser); (Yi-Chih Lee); (Shu-Chun Chen)
    2006-01 Preferential induction of CYP1A1 and CYP1B1 in CCSP-positive cells. 張菡(Han Chang); (Chang LW); (Cheng YH); (Tsai WT); (Tsai MX); (Lin P)*
    2002 Pregnancy precipitates pulmonary edema in patients with mitral stenosis. Pham, GK; Nguyen, QT; Nguyen, LH; Pham, MH; Tran, VD; Nguyen, QT; To, TL; Nguyen, NQ; Trinh, XH; Do, DL; Nguyen, L; Nguyen, NT; Tran, DT; Jui, SH; Nguyen, T; Kim, MH
    2014-06 Pregnane-Type Steroids from the Formosan Soft Coral Scleronephthya flexilis (Chao-Ying Kuo); (Yung-Shun Juan); (Mei-Chin Lu); (Michael Yen-Nan Chiang); (Chang-Feng Dai); 吳永昌(Yang-Chang Wu)*; 宋秉鈞(Ping-Jyun Sung)*
    2003 Preliminary clinical observations of the 張修誠、謝旭榮(Hsu-Jung Hsieh)*、戴昌隆、黃建仁(Chieh-Jen Huang)、劉昭宏(Chao-Hong Liu)、陳嘉聖(Chia-Sheng Chen)
    2008-11 Preliminary experience of titanium mesh cages for pathological fracture of middle and lower cervical vertebrae. 莊皓宇(Hao-Che Chuang); 魏嵩泰(Sung-Tai Wei); 李漢忠(Han-Chung Lee); 陳春忠(CHUN-CHUNG CHEN); 李文源(Wen-Yuan Lee); 周德陽(Der-Yang Cho)*
    2002 Preliminary experience using a polyetheretherketone (PEEK) cage in the treatment of cervical disc disease Cho, DY; Liau, WR; Lee, WY; Liu, JT; Chiu, CL; Sheu, PC
    2002 Preliminary experience using a polyetheretherketone (PEEK) cage in the treatment of cervical disc disease Cho, DY; Liau, WR; Lee, WY; Liu, JT; Chiu, CL; Sheu, PC
    2009-08 Preliminary Study of Detecting Urothelial Malignancy with FDG PET in Taiwanese ESRD Patients 孫盛生(Shung-Shung Sun); 張兆祥(Chang,Chao-Hsiang); 丁慧枝(Hueisch-Jy Ding); 高嘉鴻(Chia-Hung Kao); 吳錫金(Wu,Hsi-Chin); 謝德鈞(Te-Chun Hsieh)*
    2004-01 A Preliminary Study of Needle Orientation and Injection Volume in Facet Intra-articular Injection under Computed Tomography Technique for the Relief of Low Back Pain. 溫永銳(Yeong-Ray Wen); 莫世湟(Mok MS); 吳鋼治(Wu GJ); 孫維仁(Sun WZ)*
    2003 Prenatal cytogenetic detection of an unbalanced karyotype involving 9p-and 18q duplication in a fetus with apparently normal phenotype. Lin, CC; Hsieh, LJ; Pan, YJ; Li, YC
    2015-01 Prenatal detection and characterization of a psu idic(8)(p23.3) which likely derived from nonallelic homologous recombination between two MYOM2-repeats (Yueh-Chun Li); (Shu-Chin Chien); (Sunita R. Setlur); 林瑋德(Wei-De Lin); 蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai); 林齊強(Chyi-Chyang Lin)*
    2015-01 Prenatal detection and characterization of a psu idic(8)(p23.3) which likely derived from nonallelic homologous recombination between two MYOM2-repeats (Yueh-Chun Li); (Shu-Chin Chien); (Sunita R. Setlur); 林瑋德(Wei-De Lin); 蔡輔仁(Fuu-Jen Tsai); 林齊強(Chyi-Chyang Lin)*
    2008-03-15 prenatal detection of a maternal inherited 9q32-q33.3 deletion in a female with cleft palate 簡淑錦(Shu-Chin Chien)
    2002 Prenatal diagnosis of abdominal lymphangioma Ho, M; Lee, CC; Lin, TY
    2008-03-15 prenatal diagnosis of an XX male with the SRY gene on chromosome 3p 簡淑錦(Shu-Chin Chien)
    1998 Prenatal diagnosis of Apert syndrome Chang, CC; Tsai, FJ; Tsai, HD; Tsai, CH; Hsieh, YY; Lee, CC; Yang, TC; Wu, JY
    2007-05 Prenatal diagnosis of concomitant gallbladder hydrops and pyelectasis with spontaneous resolution. 陳持平(Chen CP)*、劉玉鵬(Liu YP)、簡淑錦(Shu-Chin Chien)、王偉信(Wang W)

    顯示項目3101-3125 / 5608. (共225頁)
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