摘要: | 石綿為一群水合纖維狀矽酸鹽礦物之總稱主要分成蛇紋石與角閃石兩大類,蛇紋石又以白石綿為代表,角閃石則有青石綿、褐石綿、斜方角閃石、透閃石與揚起石等。本身具耐高溫、耐酸鹼、耐磨、抗拉力、抗腐蝕、絕熱和絕緣等特性所以已被廣泛運用於建材、絕緣體、及煞車來令片等超過3000 種產品之製造。我國環保署自2008年1月1日起石綿禁止用於石綿板、石綿管、石綿水泥、纖維水泥板之製造,相關的產品仍然暴露於我們日常生活的環境中。 除了勞工切鋸時造成暴露,人員裝潢及居住時可能因飛揚之石綿不易清除乾淨而造成危害。以往對於石綿產品的研究是使用有機溶劑、加溫至600℃、銀膜濾紙來分析,但處理過程繁瑣且費時,銀膜濾紙不穩定且昂貴。
本研究以X光繞射儀分析,並參考日本JIS A1481分析方法再加以改良,以不同粗細粒徑、酸濃度、水浴溫度及震盪處理步驟,希望能找出最佳的分析條件並實際應用在建材的分析上。
結果顯示以鋅板為基底標準校正元素在粗細粒徑發現以100mesh過濾的細顆粒強度可增強13.4%;在0, 5, 10, 20%蟻酸濃度處理過濾發現20%的蟻酸濃度效果最好;在25, 30, 40, 50℃處理過濾以25℃水浴為最佳的分析強度;震盪時間以水浴震盪10分鐘後靜置12分鐘為最佳。將本研究最佳的分析條件應用在石綿瓦、粉筆、爽身粉、台灣與日本製的100%無石綿的矽酸鈣板、某大樓防火材等樣本。結果顯示,石綿瓦含有白石綿2.3~5.4%和褐石綿0~0.87%等,學校舊隔板有0.31%,某大樓的防火材有0.20%褐石綿其餘則沒有被發現。本方法相較與以往的方法具有快速簡便、成本低且非破壞性兼顧環保的分析方法。
Asbestos is a natural mineral consisting of salts of hydrous silicates fibrous shape. It can be classified into two groups:(1) serpentine that includes chrysotile, etc.; (2) amphibole that includes amosite, crocidolite, anthophyllite, actinolite and tremolite, etc. There are many kinds of asbestos products with wide application, including asbestos panels, pipes, asbestos cement and fiber cement board. The government has prohibited manufacturing these products since January 1, 2008 in Taiwan. But individuals may still expose to these products from daily activities.
In the past, organic solvent with Ag filter paper at temperature 600℃ was used to analyze asbestos products. However, this analysis takes time, and the filter paper is expensive and unstable.
XRD was used for analysis in this study, and JIS A1481(Japan) analytical method was adopted as reference. Besides, we also took some steps with different pore size, acid concentration, hot water bath and shaking procedure to establish the best conditions for the analysis of building materials.
The results showed the best conditions and procedure are:filter the sample with 100 mesh, add 20ml of 20% formic acid and 40ml DI water, disperse with the ultrasonic cleaner for 10 minute, then staying for 12 minute in the hot water bath(25℃), and collect sample by suction filtration on a 25mm T60A20 filter paper. The study aimed to established the method to determine the asbestos content in building materials.
Meanwhile, asbestos content was determined with XRD. Building materials such as ceiling, partition, calcium silicate board, magnesium board, chalk and asbestos tile can also be determined with the same method. The results showed that these were 2.3~5.4% of chrysotile and 0~0.87% of amosite in the asbestos tile; 0.31% of amosite in the partition; 0.20% of amosite in the fireproofing. In sum, this method is speedy, convenient, cheap, non-destructive. |