疲勞是中風遺留下的諸多後遺症之ㄧ,更是常見的症狀,但由於它的非特異性,臨床上常被忽略,近10年相關研究顯示中風後疲勞與死亡率、復健療效等有高度相關,目前,患者常尋求中醫協助改善疲勞症狀,故本研究的目的在探討中風後疲勞與中風緩解期常見的氣虛證、血瘀證的相關性,希望能為中醫在中風後疲勞的治療上提供更多的參考依據。本研究從本院神經內科門診收案,納入條件為患者自述有疲勞症狀、中風3個月以上、台灣簡明疲憊量表前兩題總分大於4,無其它重大疾病,自願參加研究並簽署同意書者予以評估,紀錄患者基本資料、病史和生活型態,接著進行四項量表的評估:台灣簡明疲憊量表,疲勞嚴重度量表;寺澤教授氣虛證、血瘀證診斷基準,將所得分數加以分析,另從患者本身的疾病因子與生活型態對中風後疲勞的影響做進一步探討。結果顯示疲勞分數在氣虛證與血瘀證皆大於非氣虛證與非血瘀證患者,且疲勞程度上有顯著差異(p <0.05),尤其合併氣虛血瘀證患者的疲勞程度尤高,在相關程度分析上,疲勞與氣虛證有高度相關,血瘀證為低度相關; 性別在疲勞分數上有差異(女>男),其它因子則無線性相關。
Fatigue as a sequel, is a common symptom among post-stroke patients; however, it can be easily neglected due to its non-specific aspect. In the past ten years, the study indicates that there is closely relationship between post - stroke fatigue, and mortality rate and rehabilitation. A number of patients research for Chinese medicine doctor to improve their fatigue symptom at present. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the correlation between Qi Deficiency, Blood Stasis and fatigue severity, as well as the effect of personal and clinical factors. A total of 70 post-stroke fatigue patients were recruited from the Department of Neurosurgery and Neurology in China Medical University Hospital. They were volunteers and stroke duration at least 3 months after stroke onset. The front two item scores of Brief Fatigue Inventory-Taiwan (BFI-T) were more than 4. The patients were no severe disease was found except stroke. We recorded the basic data, history and life style, and following assess the four scales including Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), BFI-T and Qi Deficiency, Blood Stasis Diagnostic Standard established by Katsutoshi Terasawa. The scores shown in the questionnaires collected were analysed to explore the correlation between severity level of fatigue, Qi deficiency and Blood stasis. In addition, we also investigate that the relationship between the factor of diseases and life style, and post-stroke fatigue. The results indicated that the score of FSS is higher in Qi Deficiency syndrome and Blood Stasis syndrome than non-Qi Deficiency syndrome and non-Blood Stasis syndrome (both p < 0.05).The fatigue was more severity when patients have Qi Deficiency-Blood Stasis. Specifically, fatigue score has high correlation with Qi Deficiency score, and low correlation with Blood Stasis score. The FSS scores were greater in female than these in male.
Post-stroke fatigue has higher correlation with Qi Deficiency syndrome; the results may provide a reference for the treatment of Chinese medicine.