五靈脂係動物藥材,自古即入藥用,至今在中醫師處方藥中仍受重視;五靈脂(Excrementum Pteropi)始載於開寶本草,為鼯鼠科動物橙足鼯鼠(Trogopterus xanthipes MILNE-EDWARDS)之乾燥糞便,古來用以通利血脈,行瘀止痛,臨床上亦擅長於消散瘀血而止痛,本研究除了上述之本草學及動物學考察外並根據古本草及臨床上之藥效記載作如下相關藥理實驗:五靈脂的水及乙醇粗抽液作: (1)毒劑量試驗:口服LD50大於10g/kg,故其近乎無毒。 (2)抗血小板凝集試驗:有良好的效果,顯示有活血化瘀之作用。 (3)小白鼠醋酸扭體試驗:明顯減少扭體次數,顯示有良好的鎮痛作用。綜合上述,五靈脂確具有活血化瘀,止痛之作用,與古文獻及臨床應用記載之療效一致。
Wu Ling Chih is a traditional Chinese medicine which first came into use in the ancient. The research work contains pentsaological study on Wu Ling Chih and pharmacological study on the commercially available species in Taiwan. Wu Ling Chih was first reported in Kai-Pao-Pentsao (開寶本草) and then in the pentsa (本草) of descendant dynasties.It was believed to have antiplatelet aggregation and analgesic effects. According to the pharmacological experiment, the results are shown as following: (a) The water extract (EPw) and alcohol extract (EPa) of Excrementum Pteropi significantly reduce writhing number in mice. And the effect of EPa is stronger than EPw. It proves that they are analgesics. (b) In the antiplatelet aggregation, EPw could inhibit the platelet aggregation induced by thrombin. and EPa could inhibit the platelet aggregation induced by arachidonic acid、collagen、and PAF. To sum up, EPw and EPa should be used in different prescription for clinical application. This study has provided useful information that EP is animal feces but it still has some surplus value.