Objectives: To investigate the changes of electroencephalography (EEG) in epileptic patients and the efficacy of far infrared ray stimulation compared with placebo.
Methods: A total of 15 patients with epilepsy were enrolled in the study. Those who received anti-epileptic drug(s) for more than one year and fulfill the criteria of seizure free was excluded. Patient would receive the first time EEG and then the placebo patches would be placed in the position of bilateral large intestine 14 (LI14) acupuncture points every other day for 28 days. And then patient received the second time EEG and the evaluation of efficacy. After that, patient would take a rest for 14 days for the purpose of decreasing the possible placebo effect. And then patient would receive the third time EEG. After that, the far infrared ray patches were placed in the same acupuncture points every other day for another 28 days. And then patient received the fourth time EEG and the evaluation of efficacy. The evaluations of efficacy were done by the clinician who was blind to our study. The EEG frequency Frequency domain analysis of EEG results were done by using the software of BrainVision Analyzer 2.0.1. And the mean activity was computed separately for the frequency bands: δ(0.5-3Hz),θ(4-7Hz)、α(8-12Hz)、and β(13-30Hz).
Result: There was no statistical significance of δ, θ, α, and β activity But one patient reported that after receiving far infrared ray stimulation, there was sleep benefit and the seizure frequency decreasing. Also in this patient, there were epileptic form discharge at the first, second, and third but not the fourth EEG.
Conclusion: Far-infrared ray stimulation did not cause change of electroencephalography in our study. But in patient with some kind of epilepsy, such as brain tumor related seizure disorder or parietal lobe seizure, it may do some benefit. Further study of this issue may offer us answers in the near feature.