摘要: | Histidine和其衍生物carnosine存在於腦、骨骼肌、肝臟之中,具有抗氧化、抗發炎、幫助神經傳導和緩衝調和等生理活性。奶油主要為短鏈的飽和脂肪酸,過度攝取飽和脂肪會上升體內的血膽固醇、LDL等,嚴重時會引起肥胖和心血管相關疾病。本實驗主要探討histidine及carnosine對於攝取飽和飲食老鼠的影響,將5週齡 C57BL/6JNarl小鼠60隻,隨機分成四組,分別為 (1)正常飲食+一般飲水 (2)飲食含5%奶油+一般飲水 (3)飲食含5%奶油+飲水含1 g/L histidine (4)飲食含5%奶油+飲水含1 g/L carnosine。餵食八週後,犧牲並取血清、肝臟和心臟進行氧化傷害、發炎和脂質的分析,測量GSH含量、Antioxidant含量、SOD activity、GPx activity、TG、TC、LDL,和發炎指標:IL-6、TNF-a。結果顯示:餵食含5%奶油的飼料後,小鼠的副睪重和肝臟重均顯著上升,血清中LDL、TC,肝臟TG均顯著上升,肝中的SOD activity、GPx activity和GSH、Antioxidant含量則明顯降低;而發炎相關的細胞激素方面,肝臟和心臟的IL-6和TNF-?捖?顯著提高。但是,攝取1 g/L histidine或1 g/L carnosine飲水之小鼠,其副睪重和肝臟重都顯著減輕;而肝臟TG和血清LDL 、TC明顯降低;肝臟和心臟中IL-6和TNF-a也都有顯著下降。抗氧化的部份則顯示肝臟中的SOD及GPx activity和GSH、Antioxidant含量都有顯著的升高。實驗結果支持histidine或carnosine可減緩小鼠脂肪的累積和抗氧化、抑制發炎的效果。
Histidine and carnosine (beta-alanyl-l-histidine) are endogenously synthesized peptides present in brain, skeletal muscle, and liver. Our present study examined the effects of histidine and carnosine in mice consumed 5% butter. Mice were divided into 4 groups: normal diet with water, butter with water, histidine, or carnosine for 5 weeks. Results indicated that the intake of butter caused an increase in body weight, epididylmal fat weight, IL-6, TNF-a, LDL, TG and total cholesterol; and decrease in hepatic GSH level and activity of GPx and SOD. Intake of histidine or carnosine at 1 g/L, however, significantly reduced oxidative stress by increasing the level or activity of GSH, GPx and SOD in liver. Histidine or carnosine also appeared to significantly diminish the formations of IL-6, TNF-a, LDL, TG and total cholesterol. Based on the observed anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-obesity effects, the supplements of these agents might be able to attenuate the risk of obesity. |