摘要: | 以銅為鏡,可以正衣冠;以古為鑑,可以知興替。因此,我們在面 對問題,於尋求藥政方面的問題的因應之道時,希冀由豐富的過往歷史典籍記錄中尋找參詳、對照,尋求更佳因應之道。 宋朝醫藥政策措施源於唐制,但在醫藥發展貢獻及對後世的影響層 面卻遠超前代,宋代是一個著眼於防內、重文輕武、軍事上積弱而科學文化昌盛發達的朝代。由於該朝大部分皇帝、大臣等重視醫藥學發展,在藥政管理方面,成立「和劑局」,為世界上第一所藥局,普查藥物、修訂本草、官辦藥局、藥店實行藥物專賣、發展中成藥與改革劑型、統一用藥規範等,對於藥物事業的發展,擴大藥品生產,提高藥品質量,促進藥品銷售,發揮了重大成效。成立校正醫書局,醫藥書籍的文獻徵集、校勘、編纂、頒行等工作使文獻在整理傳播中發揮了極大作用,這對於醫藥文化的傳承及推展與流派興起進一步醫學探討發揚的過程中扮演了重要的角色。 本研究目的擬於宋代藥政過往承轉、得失之間,加以整理,理出呈 現問題與因應問題之道,冀以對目前醫藥政策有所助益正所謂:他山之石,可以攻錯。; For the past few decades, as medical technology advances, people have obtained unprecedented health protections. They have also discovered prediction of progressive science of medication. The old Chinese saying, we often use mirrors to adjust our appearance because it can show our disorganization as well as when we use our past traditions to reflect, direct, and guide our ways of life. Therefore, by using ancient documents as a reference guide we can develop a better understanding of medical practice to improve our current policies. Most Emperor of Sung Dynasty favorite medical science, therefore, they pay highly attentions in development of medical science when making policies. More so in the history of medical management, the earliest national medical bureau in the world, “The Bureau of Wealth Fare,”(惠民局) comes to the existence in that period. The bureau directed by the government specialized in making processed medicine and flourish in manufacturing the medicines. The making of the medical policies in Sung dynasty including government medicine inspections (普查藥物), composition of medical encyclopedia (修訂本草), government sponsored medical manufacturing (官辦藥廠), monopolized pharmacy departments (藥 店實施藥物專賣), reformation of the medical dosages(改革劑型), development processed medicine (發展中成藥), unification of medical usages and codes (統一用藥規範), offering of medical advisory in 118 pharmacy (藥店兼設門診), had strong influence on later medicine usage, especially on the development of the Chinese processed medicine. Mean while the execution of medical managerial policy made by the state medical bureau such as patent policy (專利制度), authority accountability policy (責 任制度), quantity control policy (質量制度), reached the targeted level in medicine quality control (藥物品質的維護), abolishment of inferior medicine(取締偽劣藥品), and safety usage control(用藥安全). The goal of this plan is to study the medical managerial structures and policies of the Sung dynasty to evaluate the causes of success and failure from historical perspective and to provide references for the policy makers. |