本研究之目的在於建構一個中西藥交互作用資訊網站,讓中醫師、西醫師、藥師能夠即時查閱,對患者有所助益。 搜尋PubMed以及國家圖書館網站有關中西藥併用的期刊與博碩士論文,擷取相關文字片段,建立MySQL資料庫,使用PHP語言設計網頁搜尋引擎。操作者可在中藥、西藥欄位分別輸入文字,查詢到交互作用資訊,並可點按網頁超連結直接瀏覽原文出處網站。在接受查詢時,記錄每一筆輸入的中藥、西藥名稱,供日後統計最常被查詢的中西藥組合。 總共分析147篇國內外醫學文獻,摘錄中西藥交互作用共481筆資料,中草藥與西藥的組合共219種。銀杏葉、人參、麻黃、金絲桃草(St. John’s wort)、甘草、丹參為被報導最多的中草藥。而臨床證實最多的是金絲桃草與Cyclosporin間的交互作用。 現有的中西藥交互作用文獻中,大多討論不良反應,僅有少數篇章談到中西藥併用的優點。不良反應若來自併服中藥造成西藥的血中濃度升高,可考慮採用低劑量的西藥,發揮中西藥併用的優點,但必須先建立藥物動力學模式,有待專業人員進一步研究,現階段宜注意不良反應。; In order to provide the convenience for the clinical knowledge about combination use of Chinese herbs and modern medication, this study is aimed to construct a web site offering comprehensive information on drug-herb interaction. We searched journals from the PubMed websites as well as the dissertations and theses published in Taiwan with the topic of drug-herb interactions, and finally 147 articles totally been reviewed. Among these articles, there were 219 different kinds of drug-herb combinations in 481 records about drug-herb interaction. The most commonly described herbs were Ginkgo, Ginseng, Ma Huang, St. John’s wort, Licorice, and Dan Shen. We constructed a database which classified these data with the columns of the names of the drugs (both in Chinese and English), interaction and so forth. Subsequently, we designed a web page to present this database. Nevertheless, the usages of herbs in western countries is quite different from those in Taiwan. Herb is made in single form in the United States, while the traditional Chinese doctors prescribe composition of multiple herbs in Taiwan. The web site constructed in this study does not offer the validation of the drug-herb interactions because it needs further check in detail. The adverse reactions of drug-herb interactions mentioned in the international journals are worthy to beware. Further study is necessary to discuss the advantage and disadvantage of the integration of Chinese and western medicine.