摘要: | 本研究目的在於探討ICU護理人員「人格特質」及「自我壓力感受」之情形,並探究影響ICU護理人員「壓力感受」之重要因素。研究工具採用艾森克(Eysenck)人格特質量表(EPQ-RS)及蔡欣玲學者編譯之台灣護理人員壓力量表,而欲探討影響「壓力感受」變項包括:ICU護理人員個人基本資料變項、工作特性及人格特質。 本研究以中部地區二家區域及二家地區醫院的ICU護理人員為研究對象,以問卷調查的方式,共回收有效問卷201份,回收率91.3% 。研究對象介於21-47歲之間,平均年齡27歲,以未婚及大學學歷者居多。 本研究結果顯示: 一、 ICU護理人員「神經質」與「外向性」呈負相關,而與「精神病質」呈現正相關,即人格特質愈傾向神經質者,其人格特質傾向於內向性及精神病質。 二、 ICU護理人員外向性及神經質人格特質方面,皆與年齡、護理工作總年資呈現負相關。而外向性方面與年齡、宗教信仰、婚姻狀況及護理工作總年資之不同而有顯著性差異。而在神經質方面則與服務科別、工作方式之不同而有顯著性差異。 三、 ICU護理人員壓力感受介於輕度至中度之間,在個人反應向度中以「我曾經覺得疲倦」為最嚴重,而在工作關注向度中以「醫療體系有缺陷,難以符合病人需要」及「時間不夠用」最為嚴重。且各向度間呈現顯著正相關,顯示各類壓力感受是彼此相互影響的。 四、 以整體壓力感受來看,「神經質」及「工作回饋性」為重要預測變項,其解釋變異量?33.1%。而在個人反應向度,「神經質」及「工作變化性」為重要預測變項,其解釋變異量?30.7%。在工作關注向度中,「神經質」為重要預測變項,其解釋變異量?15.9%。在勝任方面,「工作自主性」、「職位-護士」、「薪資-2萬5千至3萬元」及「家庭組成-與父母同住」為重要預測變項,其解釋變異量?28.8%。; The purpose of this study was to identify the association between occupational stress and personality traits of ICU nurses. To explore the perceived stress of different personality traits, the demographical variables and the job characteristics based on Job Characteristics Model (JCM) will be controlled. Eysenck Personality Questionnaire-Revised Short Scale (EPQ-RS)and Taiwan nurses stress inventory was adopted to evaluate personality traits and perceived stress. The subjects of this study were collected from four regional hospitals in central Taiwan. Before a pilot survey was performed to validate the questionnaire, The 160 subjects were chosen (response rate=91.3%). Their age were 21 to 27 (mean=27), and 70.6% of them are single and 34.4% of them have university graduate. The major findings of the study were the following: 1. There was a negative relationship between neuroticism and extroversion personality of ICU nurses. 2. There were negative relationships between neuroticism and extroversion personality and age, nursing experiences. And age, religion, marital status, and nursing experiences were found having the significant effects on the degree of ICU nurses’ extroversion personality. Units of service, working status were found having the significant effects on the degree of ICU nurses’ neuroticism personality. 3. Perceived stress in the ICU work were mild to middle degree. The highest score was 4.24, the lowest score was 3.16. ”Fatigue” was the most severe symptoms of personal response, and “defects of healthy system” and “the time is insufficient” were the most severe dimensions of job with concern. There was a positive relationship between dimensions of stress. 4. The predictors of “perceived stress” were neuroticism personality and feedback of job, accounting for 33.1% of variance. The predictors of “personal response” were neuroticism personality and variation of job, accounting for 30.7% of variance. The predictors of “job concern” was neuroticism personality, accounting for 15.9% of variance. The predictors of “competence” were autonomy of job, position-nurse, salary-25,000 to 30,000, and family-living with parents, accounting for 28.8%. |