摘要: | 《洗冤集錄》中植物類中毒及解毒方之文獻探討 研究生:黃世昌 指導教授:蘇奕彰 副教授 中國醫藥大學中國醫學研究所 中文摘要 本研究的目的在於近代植物類中草藥中毒事件層出,甚至引起國際現代醫學界人士的關注,並因其毒性副作用造成使用者的疑慮或恐慌,因而影響到中醫藥的聲譽。因此以宋慈《洗冤集錄》〈服毒篇〉為材料,探討相關植物類中草藥中毒的中醫相關病因、病機、病理作用及臨床急救解毒方的研究。希望能使中醫藥的使用者及現代醫學界人士對中醫的植物類有毒中草藥有更進一步的信心與認識。 本研究的重要性在於,《洗冤集錄》可說是歷史上最早對服毒中毒、診斷死徵、驗證毒物與解救方做完整記載的一本法醫學書籍,我們希望能藉由書中這些植物類中草藥中毒與歷代典籍文獻中的相關解毒方法來進行文獻回顧、整理、分類、比較、分析與歸納。從中去探討中醫的解毒觀念、方法與方藥。 本研究的材料與方法,將以《洗冤集錄》為主軸來深入探討,希望藉由現代醫學及醫療科技的進步,來檢視古代相關植物類中毒及解毒方的異同。運用現代醫學與科學的進步,來印證或提升歷代諸文獻中的價值,並提高其臨床的應用性,期望能利益因自殺或他殺及誤用而造成植物類中草藥中毒的患者,並提昇大眾對植物類有毒中藥的認識。 研究之主要成果顯示:無論是劇毒、大毒、有毒、小毒的植物類有毒中藥在歷代典籍中都有其解毒方。其急救原則以催吐、導瀉為主。歷代典籍中發現有關植物類中草藥中毒的解毒方法具有五大特點:一、解毒方法多樣;二、用藥精簡,使用單味藥即可解毒;三、解毒方法及使用工具簡單;四、取用方便;五、價格便宜。這些原則符合當時的歷史背景與社會需求。上述研究成果,不僅有助於了解植物類中毒之症狀及其解毒方之應用,同時對於使用有毒類中草藥之合理規範,及有毒類中草藥之相關醫藥衛生政策制定,也提供了重要的資訊。 關鍵詞:洗冤集錄 中草藥中毒 解毒方; The Study of the Xi Yuan Ji Lu about Chinese Herbs Poisons and Treatments from Chinese Medical Classics Literature Shih-Chang Huang Major Professor:Yi-Chang Su Institute of Chinese Medical Science China Medical University, Taiwan Recently, the poisoning accidents of Chinese herbs happened very often; they even attracted attentions of international scholars of modern medicine. Due to its poisonous side effects leading to users’ anxiety or panic, the reputation of Chinese herbs could be further influenced. If based upon Chapter of taking poisons in Song Ci’s Xi Yuan Ji Lu, antidote treatment of interrelated poisoning Chinese herbs. It is believed that users of Chinese medicines and scholars in modern medical fields can have further understanding and confidence on poisonous Chinese herbs. Xi Yuan Ji Lu is a classic of forensic medicine, which is the earliest records summarizing misusing poisonous herbs, diagnosing dead symptoms, identifying poisons, and its antidote prescriptions. We hope to compare, analyze, and induce those poisoning Chinese herbs in books with its related antidote prescriptions in historical Chinese medical classics, and discuss the concepts, ways, and prescriptions of antidote from the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine. Thus, this study focuses on discussing the similarities and differences between poisonous Chinese herbs and its antidote prescriptions in ancient times with the progressive modern medicine and medical technology. By means of modern medicine and technology, it can promote its application on clinical medicine and evidence the values of those historical medical classics. It is hoped that this study can not only benefit those who commit suicide, homicide, or misuse the poisonous Chinese herbs, but also increase people’s understandings about poisonous Chinese herbs. Key words: Xi Yuan Ji Lu, Chinese Herbs Poisons, antidote treatment |