自民國88年起,行政院衛生署推行「社區健康營造三年計畫」,此三年中每年給與各中心經費補助140萬元,在政府投入如此龐大的資源後,評估社區健康營造推行成效是有必要的,而以往的衡量方法,皆著重在營造中心層次上,很少去研究民眾參與情形。 因此本研究希望引用平衡計分卡的概念,以完整之構面來衡量民眾參與社區健康營造情形,量表建構使用焦點團體、德菲法、專家座談會等方法,並利用階層分析法設定各構面權重,希望建立一套民眾參與社區健康營造的監測與評價指標,並進行問卷實測,以證明此份量表的可行性與敏感性,最後用以提供未來政府制定政策、社區健康營造中心自我評量及政府改革策略之參考。 本研究結果發現:最後建立的民眾參與社區健康營造監測及評價指標,共包含六大構面,即民眾接觸社區健康營造、民眾對社區健康營造之看法、民眾參與社區健康營造情形、共識凝聚、將社區健康營造推己及人、結果(Outcome)產生,各構面權重分別是0.197、0.140、0.228、0.100、0.153、0.182。本研究發展之問卷用來衡量民眾參與社區健康營造情形,具有很高之信效度,且可行性及敏感性佳。 本研究建議為:上級單位應繼續努力推動社區健康營造,並積極利用此問卷,了解目前民眾對於社區健康營造的參與程度及全國各地區健康營造中心執行成效,建議未來研究可做普查,且與衛生機關評鑑結果做比較,以證實這份工具的正確性與實用性。; Since 1999, the Department of Health has invested more than 3 billion to implement community healthy building plan. An objective evaluation system to measure the effectiveness for such policy is necessary. Scholars advocated that the evaluation of effectiveness should be consisted of three dimensions —structure, process, and outcomes. Previous studies have contemplated to develop such systems from the perspective of structure and process. Rare paper focuses on the dimension of outcome. This study aimed to establish an evaluation system that could evaluate and monitor the performance of Community Health Building from the perspective of outcome. Focus Group, Delphi Method and Specialist Symposium were used to develop the evaluation system. A pilot study was conducted to assess the feasibility, sensitivity and reliability. The results showed that an appropriate evaluation system is consisted of six dimensions including touching, recognition, participation, consensus, influence, and outcome. By using the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process, we weighted the six dimensions 0.197, 0.140, 0.228, 0.100, 0.153, 0.182 respectively. The reliability is 0.8492. The pilot study of three counties demonstrated that the current evaluation system has good feasibility as well as sensitivity. Our study not only establish an appropriate system for government to evaluate the outcome of Community Health Building Plan for each county but also provide the director suitable strategies to improve their performance.