台灣之辦公建築因美觀與景觀之考慮因素,多偏好玻璃帷幕牆建築。玻璃帷幕牆建築通常被設計為高開窗率,其所引進之太陽輻射熱,除造成冷氣空調耗能增加外,亦造成辦公作業人員室內環境熱舒適之不佳。對於因窗戶在供冷需求所造成之耗能問題,已有許多的相關研究對其進行探討,然而在窗戶對於作業人員之室內環境熱舒適上之影響,則在近年來才逐漸受到重視。因此本研究主要針對開窗率與窗簾之使用對於作業人員室內環境熱舒適上之影響進行實測研究。 所有的實驗是在台南縣的兩間全尺寸的實驗室內進行,其中一間為實驗組另一間為參考組。實驗時,開窗面積分別改變為50%與無開窗,窗簾分別為亞麻布百葉窗簾、紗質窗簾以及厚布窗簾。實驗期間為夏季六月至九月,每項實驗項目進行為期一周,除以室內氣候分析器測量其各種熱環境參數外,亦同時紀錄空調耗電量。實驗結果分析則以作業溫度與ISO 7730之 PMV指標進行評估。 研究結果顯示,雖然在未使用空調時,改變開窗率或使用窗簾並無法完全將室內環境熱舒適維持於舒適範圍,但是在作業溫度仍有明顯之改善效果。若以空調對室內溫度進行控制,使用窗簾與改變開窗率有相近之改善效果,皆可使室內環境熱舒適品質符合ISO 7730之規定。因此除改變開窗率之外,使用窗簾也是改善辦公作業人員室內環境熱舒適之有效方式。 關鍵詞:開窗率,窗簾,熱舒適。; Under the aesthetic consideration, the owners and renters prefer to glass curtain wall buildings in Taiwan. A glass curtain wall building usually was designed to have high window-wall-ratio, which caused more cooling energy used and made the occupants of the building significantly discomfort as result of induced extensive solar radiant. Although there are many studies had focused on the effect of windows on energy consumption, but the impact of windows on occupants was discussed recently. This study discussed the impact of windows-wall-ration and blinds on the thermal comfort of building occupant. Two full scale rooms, one of them was treated as a reference room for comparisons, was constructed in Tainan County for the purpose of this study. Experiments were undertaken during the summer season to examine the effect on the thermal condition for two different window sizes and three types of blinds. To quantify the impact of windows on occupants, PMV-PPD index standardized in the ISO 7730 was used. In almost all cases with blinds the mean PPD is met to the 20% PPD criterion of ISO standard 7730 for an occupant nearby the window, but this is not true for without blinds, even though the window-wall-ratio was decreased to 0.5. The effect of blind use and window-wall-ratio on energy consumption was also investigated. In this study, the potential of better windows design to improve comfort was quantified primarily, so the non-energy benefits could be valued along with energy savings offer by these windows, and would encourage consumers to choice them. Keywords: windows-wall-ration, blinds, thermal comfort.