中醫補氣方劑對胃腺癌細胞株之影響評估 研究生 郭哲彰 指導教授 陳建仲 博士 中國醫藥學院 中國醫學研究所 現階段對於胃癌治療還沒有有效的抗癌藥物,因此本計畫試圖以胃癌細胞株實驗來尋找有效的治療中藥方劑。 我們測試臨床常用於癌症化學治療調理的中醫補氣方劑:保元湯、舉元煎、四君子湯、六君子湯、補中益氣湯,試圖篩選出對胃腺癌細胞株MKN-74具毒殺能力而且能加強絲鏈黴素(Mitomycin C; MMC)對MKN-74細胞株之毒殺能力的補氣方劑。我們更試著討論補氣方劑與MMC組合的作用機轉,是否協同加強MMC 對MKN-74細胞株之細胞凋亡的反應,抑或是藉由其他機轉來毒殺細胞。於是我們利用MTT assay 技術測試細胞的存活率,應用定量螢光顯微鏡分析法來計算細胞的凋亡率。 實驗結果發現補氣方劑當中,補中益氣湯促進MMC對胃腺癌細胞MKN-74之毒殺能力最強,針對補中益氣湯與MMC的合併使用並不會加強MMC誘導MKN-74細胞株細胞凋亡。因此補中益氣湯與MMC可能誘導MKN-74細胞株朝向細胞壞死路徑。由於補中益氣湯促進MMC對胃腺癌細胞MKN-74之毒殺能力最強,因此可以進一步設計臨床試驗,使用這兩種藥物於胃癌的治療以加強胃癌治療的效果。; Effests of Bu Qi formula of Chinese Medicine on the Human Gastric Adenocarcinoma Cells Che-chang Kuo Major professor: Jian-jung Chen Institute of Chinese Medicine Science, China Medical College Gastric cancer is a common cancer worldwide and is reported to be the one of the most common cause of death in Taiwan. However, many patients are found to have advanced cancer at the time of diagnosis, and have poor prognosis despite of cytotoxic anticancer therapy. In this study, we aim to identify an effective regimen combining Tranditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and Mitomycin-C (MMC) on MKN-74 human gastric adenocarcinoma cell line. We are interested in identifying the most effective combination and its mechanism,by way of MTT assay and the Quanitative Flurescent Microscopy assay. Among all the TCM tested, Bu-Zhong-Yi-Qi-Tang (BZYQT, Japanese named Hochu-Ekki-To, TJ-41) enhanced MMC induced cytotoxicity most, BZYQT in combination with MMC showed enhanced cytotoxicity but no increased apoptosis when compared to MMC alone. These cytotoxic MKN-74 cells by BZYQT are from cell necrosis, but not from cell apoptosis. These results provide rationale for further animal study, and clinical trial on gastric cancer therapy.