摘要: | 本研究的目的,是想將先秦道家與《黃帝內經》兩者相關的養生的原理和方法歸納整理、探索比較,並印證現代醫學知識。相信,這研究將有助於闡揚中醫養生學的理論與實踐。研究採用文獻整理、歸納、比較的方式。首先從先秦道家與《黃帝內經》諸書中摘錄相關養生的論述,並歸納其養生原理和方法。所摘錄諸書中的論述,將較深奧的文句引諸家注解,並從養生立場解釋其意涵。配合現代醫學基礎解釋其合理性。本研究的結果顯示:先秦道家與《黃帝內經》兩者相關的養生原理有順應自然、天人合一;.和於陰陽,調於術數;形神合一、神重於形.;人之三寶:精氣神;.致虛極,守靜篤;平易恬憺,無所欲求;預防為主,不治已病治未病。先秦道家與《黃帝內經》兩者相關的養生方法有精神調攝〈清靜養神,恬憺樂觀、少私寡欲,心安不懼、道德修養,仁者壽〉;飲食起居調攝〈節飲食忌偏食偏嗜、起居有常,順四時而適寒暑、勞逸適度,氣從以順、戒房勞,節欲保精〉;運動養生等。; The purpose of this research is to combine and compare the principles and methods of health-preserving thought in Pre-chin Taoism and The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine, then to prove it with the modern medical science. This research would help us to expound and propagate the theory of the health-preserving thought in traditional Chinese medicine. The research adopts a method to reorganize, generalize and compare the written materials. First, we extract the discussions about health-preserving thought in the books of Pre-chin Taoism and The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine, and then generalize the principles and methods. We would explain the recondite parts of those discussions we extracted with various schools of thought, and expound the meanings. This research interprets the logic of principles in modern medical science. The consequence of this research indicates the following: the principles of health-preserving thought in pre-chin Taoism's and The Yellow Emperor’s Canon of Internal Medicine including shun-ying-zi-ran (順應自然), tian-ren-he-yi (天人合一), he-yu-yin-yang (和於陰陽),taio-yu-shu-shu (調於術數), xing-shen-he-yi (形神合一), shen-chong-yu-xing (神重於形). Ren-zhi-san-bao (人之三寶): jing-qi-shen (精氣神), zhi-xu-ji (致虛極), shou-jing-du (守靜篤), ping-yi-tian-dan (平易恬憺), wu-suo-yu-qiu (無所欲求), yu-fang-wei-zhu (預防為主), bu-zhi-yi-bing-zhi-wei-bing (不治已病治未病). In addition, the method of health-preserving thought in pre-chin Taoism's philosophy including jing-shi-tiao-she (精神調攝)【qing-jing-yang-shen (清靜養神), tian-dan-le-guan (恬憺樂觀), shao-si-qua-yu (少私寡欲), xin-an-bu-ju (心安不懼), dao-de-xiu-yang (道德修養), ren-zhe-shou (仁者壽)】, yin-shi-qi-ju-tiao-she (飲食起居調攝)【jie-yin-shi-ji-pian-shi-pian-shi (節飲食忌偏身偏嗜), qi-ju-you-chang (起居有常), shun-si-shi-er-shi-han-shu (順四時而適寒暑), lao-yi-shi-du (勞逸適度), qi-cong-yi-shun (氣從以順), jie-fang-lao (戒房勞), jie-yu-bao-jing (節欲保精)】, yun-dong-yang-sheng (運動養生). |