PAHs(多環芳香羥碳氫化合物)在環境中的分布是很廣泛的,它主 要是經由石化燃料不完全的燃燒所產生的﹔汽機車的發散亦是主要 的發散源之一。根據IARC的定義,某些PAHs物質為疑似致癌物質, 若其大量存在於空氣中,對國人健康亦會產生極大的衝擊。 本研究嘗試開發以中毛細管柱配合HPLC/Fluorescence來進行 PAHs的分離分析,採樣則以高流量採樣器配合玻璃纖維濾紙,針對 台中市區大氣中的PM10粉塵中的PAHs進行採樣分析。品保品管方 面,五種PAHs物質的檢量線r值都大於0.995﹔另外,經由數次重複 分析的再現性其CV值都在1%左右﹔空白濾紙與實際採樣樣本的添 加回收率測試也都在90%以上。在偵測極限的測試方面,中毛細管柱 的分析感度比起一般管柱有更佳的表現。利用毛細管柱來作PAHs的 分離分析不但可以增加分析的效率,且可以有效的減少廢液產生。 應用在環境的實際採樣分析,針對台中市區大氣中的PM10粉塵 進行PAHs的萃取分析,樣品的前處理利用Acetonitrile(ACN)溶劑和 超音波萃取方法進行。分析結果顯示,台中市區大氣中PAHs以 B(ghi)P濃度最高,以pyrene濃度最低。針對污染來源分析方面, B(a)P/B(ghi)P小於0.6,表示台中市區大氣中PAHs來源屬於移動性 污染源,所以應即早建立完善的大眾運輸系統,方能有效減少PAHs 的發散源。; PAHs (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydroxycarbon) , largely formed by incomplete combustion of petrochemical fuel , have extensive sources of creation . Besides the automobile is another emission sources of PAHs . According to the definition of IARC , some PAHs are suspented as carcinogens and can produce substantial risk to human health . In the research , we investigated the collected the PM10 solid-phase particles in Taichung by the high-volumn sampler with glass fiber filters The research goal was to develop new methods for analysis with an HPLC/fluorescence detector equipped with a semi-micro column . The result showed the cofficient of five PAHs compound was larger than 0.995 . The cofficient of varition of through ten-times repeated analysis was about 1% , and the spike recovery of samples and blank filters was 90% . The semi-micro column had the batter results than the common column in analysis sensitivity . According to the results , the HPLC with a semi-micro column for PAHs analysis is a good method to develop . And we used this method for the environment sampler analysis .To study PAHs in the Taichung airborne particles , we use ultrasonication with Acetonitrile to extraction of the samples collected from PM10 solid-phase particles . The highest concentration of PAHs in Taichung air was B(ghi)P and the lowest was pyrene .