乾眼症一直是眼科常見但療效不理想的眼睛疾病,點用人工淚液是目前最普遍且常用的治療方法,但人工淚液無法有效的治療淚液不足的問題。近來由於電腦資訊的普及,長時間注視螢幕更增加了本病的盛行率,另外乾眼症並不適合戴隱形眼鏡,對年輕男女更是一大困擾,因此除了消極的症狀治療外,實應提出一個更有效的治療方式。針刺對眼睛功能性疾病一向療效良好,若能以中西結合的治療模式進行試驗,將人工淚液合併穴位刺激進而改善淚液分泌,對乾眼症病患而言,應是十分有意義的。 本研究是採隨機抽樣的臨床試驗,採隨機分配( Randomized Allocation)的方式隨機分成對照組、針刺組、低週波組三組,結案時共計收案43人,各組人數依序為9人、17人、17人,對照組僅給予人工淚液治療,針刺組則多了穴位針刺,低週波組多了低週波治療儀(Silver Spike Point)的電刺激,每組都將填寫基本資料與治療日記。研究對象主要來自慈濟醫院眼科門診病患中符合本試驗選入標準,並且沒有排出標準所列之情形者,經病患同意即納入本試驗。針刺組與低週波組皆採用相同穴位,取穴與治療皆由資深中醫師負責執行,療程共八週,每週治療兩次,一次二十分鐘,時間間隔約二至三天。評估方式主要採用眼科常用的基礎淚液測試(basal Schirmer test),每組在收案當天即測量第一次,滿四週、八週時再測第二次、第三次;另外還有目視自我評估(VAS)、眼睛不適症狀總數等評估指標。統計採ANOVA比較各組間差異,並用Scheffe’s test做事後檢定,以複回歸分析各組在八週過程中的改善程度,各組前後療效評估則採repeated measure ANOVA。 從結果看來,在四週時,針刺組與低週波組在淚液測試項目中皆比對照組有改善,且其差異有達顯著水準,八週時,針刺組與對照組及低週波組與對照組差異更明顯(p<0.01),而針刺組與低週波組亦出現顯著差異,顯示針刺組比低週波組更有效。各組自身前後療效評估中,在淚液測試方面,左右眼分開統計,針刺組與低週波組自身治療前後皆有顯著差異(p<0.01)。三組在眼睛不適症狀總數方面,都一致隨時間增加而減少,且具統計意義。目視自我評估方面,針刺組與低週波組皆比對照組改善,有顯著差異。 綜觀上述,針刺配合人工淚液確實比單用人工淚液效果好,低週波雖採用同一組穴位,但不如針刺組有效,而對照組單用人工淚液,八週期間淚液測試並無變化,與目前眼科治療乾眼症的現況相符合,三組眼睛不適症狀總數皆有改善,顯示人工淚液在症狀緩解上仍具意義。 整體說來,用穴位刺激結合人工淚液治療乾眼症,特別是針刺結合人工淚液的使用,確實比單用人工淚液治療乾眼症還有效,可作為眼科醫學界未來治療乾眼症的另一種選擇。; Dry eye syndrome is a common ocular disease. Artificial tear is popularly used for this problem. The frequent use of computers worsens the discomfort of dry eye. Besides, contact lens is relatively contraindicated in patients with dry eye. Acupuncture is usually effective in treatment of functional ocular disorders. It is worth to see if acupuncture could be applied to dry eye syndrome. This study is a randomized controlled clinical trial. Study population came from the ophthalmology clinic of Tzu-Chi medical center. The main criteria is basal Schirmer test below 5. 43 patients with dry eye syndrome were randomly allocated into 3 groups: 9 in control group, 17 in acupuncture group, 17 in electrical acupuncture group. Acupuncture stimulation was given twice a week for 20 mins and electrical acupuncture with silver spike point machine was given in the same points and frequency as acupuncture. The whole treatment course is 8 weeks. Patients in all three groups had artificial tear use. The evaluation items are basal Schirmer test, visual analog scale (VAS) ,symptom number and artificial tear drops use. There was a statistically significant difference (p<0.01) in Schirmer test and VAS between control and acupuncture group. The effect of acupuncture combined with artificial tear is better than artificial tear only. Electrical acupuncture was also effective but without so much significant difference as acupuncture group. Symptom numbers decreased in all three groups which means artificial tear still play a important role in symptom relief. Acupuncture point stimulation, could be another treatment option for dry eye syndrome in the future.