摘要: | 本整合型研究預計進行『台灣常用中藥材辨識方法與消費者查詢資訊之研究』,分項計畫包括招標重點1-1與1-2兩項計畫之內容,將各以25種常用藥材為研究對象,包括多數收載於中華中藥典(現已更名為「台灣傳統藥典」)進行藥材之性狀(五官)鑑別、易誤用、混用鑑別、組織或粉末鑑定、理化鑑別、定性與定量鑑別及其他等可供查詢資訊之進行蒐集,以完成下列項目之整理:1. 中文名(含別名)2. 拉丁文名3. 英文名4. 基原5. 含量6. 性狀7. 鑑別:(例如:組織、粉末、理化、薄層層析、高效液相層析等)8. 檢查:(例如:水分、灰分、重金屬、農藥殘留、黴菌毒素、雜質等)9. 含量測定10.貯藏法11.用途分類12.用量13.注意事項本整合型研究將完成下列工作:1.進行中藥材各項資料之蒐集與整理2.建立常用中藥材之基原鑑定3.建立常用中藥材之鑑別方法4.建立常用中藥材之檢查方法5.進行臺灣市售誤用混用的中草藥藥藥材之誤用品種之搜集6.期望建立可與海關、教育部、農委會等相關機構連結之中藥材辨識與查詢資料庫,確保民眾用藥安全。藉由本計畫之研究結果,將提供常用中藥材辨識方法較完整之參考資料,作為中藥材正確標示之依據,提昇醫護專業人員、民眾、消費者等對中草藥辨識及中草藥用藥安全資訊之應用,進而協助政府推動中藥用藥安全防護網之建立,以保障消費大眾之權益。
This integrated research will carry on " Study on identification of commonly used Traditional Chinese medicine in Taiwan and the comsummer inquires information ", including 1-1 and 1-2 two plans. Each plan will take 25 kinds of commonly used traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) as the research object respectively, including most gathered in "Chinese medicine pharmacopoeia" (already changes the name as "Taiwan traditional medicine pharmacopoeia"). This study carries on character of the traditional medicine (five senses) identification, commonly misused, adulterated species identification, tissue and power identification, phsical and chemical identification, quality and quantity identification, and other informations collection, to finish the following items:1. Chinese name (contains synonym) 2. Latin name 3. English name 4. Origin 5. Content 6. Character 7. Identification (For example:tissue, powder, physical and chemical , thin layer chromatographic analysis, highly performance liquid chromatographic analysis and so on) 8. Inspection: (For example: moisture content, ash, heavy metal, pesticide residue, mold toxin, impurity and so on) 9. The content determination 10. Storage method 11.Use classification 12.Dose 13. AttentionThis integrated research will complete the following works: 1. Carries on each item of TCM information to collect and to reorganize 2. Establishes origin of the commonly used TCM. 3. Establishes identification method of the commonly used TCM.4. Establishes inspection method of the commonly used TCM .5. Carries on Taiwan market misuses and adulterate species identification.6. In the expectation establishment may with correlation organization and so on the customs, Ministry of Education, agricultural commission link the TCM to recognize with the inquiry database, insure the populace to follow drug safety rules.The result of the research will provide the commonly used TCM recognization method more complete reference and correct indication. It could promote medical specialist, the populace and consumer to recognize TCM and drug safety information. It also could assist government to establish the TCM safety to protect the rights of populace. |