癌症位居國人十大死亡原因首位, 放射治療是癌症治療中佔有重要的角色,許多早期癌症接受根除性放射線照射,5 年存活率高達90%;許多晚期癌症接受姑息性放射線照射,仍可緩解症狀,延長生命。然而,放射線治療也會導致相當程度的副作用。本計畫用傳統方劑-三黃瀉心湯,針對癌症病患進行放射線治療或放射線合併化學治療。91 年8 月至92 年9 月共登錄87 癌症病例,實際上可評估者共54 例,62 個照射部位。在治療前、治療中並給予三黃瀉心湯( 6 公克/天)。本計劃癌症病患腫瘤大小的計算係依照RECIST (Response andEvaluation Criteria in Solid Tumor) 方法,進行腫瘤大小評估,總緩解率為77%。治療前腫瘤平均值6.89 ±3.68cm,治療後平均值2.08 ±3.08cm。服用三黃瀉心湯期間,患者伴隨腹瀉症狀有20 例(91%),大多患者在開始服用「三黃瀉心湯」的第一個星期內就發生。使用乾薑腹瀉仍無法控制病情,必須改服用西藥(Imodium)者,有11 例,佔50%。本研究「三黃瀉心湯」對局部瀰漫性惡性腫瘤有85%的總緩解率(完全緩解率21%),此結果令人鼓舞。雖然「三黃瀉心湯」引起的腹瀉等副作用高達91% ,但用西藥止瀉劑就可以輕易地解決。在基礎研究方面,各單方主成份已完成機轉作用的研究,並陸續發表於各期刊論文。
Cancer shows the highest mortality rate in Taiwan, radiotherapy plays an important role in the treatments of malignant tumor. Cancer patients at early stage with radiotherapy can achieve 90% of 5-year survival rate. Even though at late stage, palliative irradiation also has dramatic effect in symptomatic relief. However, radiotherapy always results in patients discomfortable and suffering. As the treatment for cancer patients, we use traditional Chinese herb with radiotherapy or combine chemotherapy in this study. Since August 2002 until September 2003, we have put on 87 cancer's cases with 54 eligible cases. Every cancer patient took "San-Huang-Hsieh- Hsin-Tang" 6 gram/day before and within the treatment. Evaluation of the tumor size in this study is based on RECIST (Response and Evaluation Criteria in Solid Tumor), total response rate achieved 85%. The average tumor size is 6.89 .plmin. 3.68cm (before treatment), 2.08 .plmin. 3.08cm( after treatment). During the first week of "San-Huang-Hsieh-Hsin-Tang" medication, 91% (20 cases) of the patients faced the adverse effect of diarrhea. 50% (11 cases) of patients with the adverse effect of diarrhea cannot be relieved or controlled by "Gan Jiang ~ dried ginger" and must take medication with Imodium. This study obtains satisfactory result with 85% total response rate (21% complete response rate) toward local diffuse type of malignant tumor. Although the adverse effect such as diarrhea of this study is as high as 91%, but it can be relieved or controlled by Imodium easily. Molecular mechanisms of each compound to cancer cells have been well studied and published in public journals.