摘要: | 應用羊膜腔穿刺術來進行偵測產前胎兒遺傳性疾病,染色體檢查是目前最常用的檢查方法之一,而染色體異常最常見的疾病是造成中度智障的唐氏症,舉凡現代醫學的進步及產前超音波不斷的研發出3D立體影像,但諸如唐氏症只能再懷孕中期二十週以後才慢慢顯現出特殊表徵,或由相當有超音波經驗的產科醫師在早期篩檢胎兒的頸部透明帶是否增厚而進一步抽取羊水進行染色體確認檢查。縱使抽取羊水染色體檢查可篩檢胎兒染色體異常的準確率高達百分之九十九,但畢竟羊膜腔穿刺術是一種侵入性的產前診斷方法,雖然其危險機率低於1%。
Amniocentesis has been applied in prenatal genetic diagnosis. The number of women undergoing amniocentesis increased during these years. Among all the prenatal detected diseases, cytogenetic abnormalities are the most common, especially trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). Despite the improvement of ultrasound equipment and operators’ technique and the introduction of first and second maternal serum screening, fetuses with trisomy 21(Down syndrome) are still delivered unexpectedly due to lack of either significantly structural defects on prenatal ultrasound or abnormal maternal serum results. Karyotyping analysis on amniocytes has been considered to be a powerful tool to diagnose fetal trisomy 21 with the highest detection rate up to more than 99%, but amniocentesis is an invasive prenatal diagnosis which carries some risks (less than 1%) to pregnant woman including rupture of membranes, preterm uterine contractions and preterm labor.
In this study, we introduce a retrospective investigation of the 13-year experience on prenatal detection of aberrant karyotypes by amniocenetesis. Data were collected at China Medical University Hospital between Jan, 1995 and Dec, 2007 from prenatal cytogenetic analysis of cultured amniocytes. A total of 16315 cases were used to analyze chromosome aberrations on conventional cytogenetic procedures. Among these cases, 59.91% of cases were performed due to advanced maternal age, 22.36% for abnormal maternal serum Down screening results, 9.76% for abnormal ultrasound findings, 2.23% for positive family history and 5.64 for other reasons. Fetal chromosome aberrations were detected in 2.30% of cases. Numerical chromosome abnormalities were detected in 62.13% of these fetuses, including autosomal trisomies and sex chromosomal aneuploidies with mosaicism or non-mosaicism. The remaining chromosome aberrations were chromosomal structural abnormalities, including mosaic or non-mosaic and balanced or unbalanced translocation, insertion, deletion, inversion, and marker chromosomes.
Based on our data, the most common reason for the genetic amniocentesis is advanced maternal age. But it doesn’t detect the largest numbers of fetal chromosome aberrations. The addition of prenatal ultrasound and maternal serum screening in this group may be helpful in decreasing the numbers of unnecessary amniocentesis. For the effective use of amniocentesis as a diagnostic tool for fetal chromosome aberrations, we should make efforts to build up more efficient screening programs for pregnant women. In addition, our data could provide a database for appropriate genetic counseling for the
high risk group of pregnant women. |