摘要: | 食品用清潔劑被一般家庭、餐廳及食品工廠所廣泛使用,而依其成份可分為天然或化學合成清潔劑。為瞭解使用化學合成清潔劑時,其不良成份殘留於食品或餐具中,並經由攝食造成人體危害的可能性,本研究針對可能影響使用後殘留於餐具的因素進行探討,以評估其使用的安全性。
本研究發現 75 件市售食品用清潔劑中含螢光劑不合格比例為5.3%、甲醇含量不合格比例為1.4%、砷及鉛含量則皆未超出標準;至於含抗菌成份之食品清潔劑中三氯沙含量範圍為0.0017~0.056% (三氯沙/清潔劑 g/ g)。殘留測試部份,研究顯示甲醇並不會有殘留的問題;鉛以及砷的殘留檢測部份發現包括餐具種類、清潔劑使用濃度、浸泡時間、清洗溫度浸泡溫度、有害物添加濃度等因素並不會影響清潔劑使用後的殘留量;三氯沙的殘留部份,本研究發現除了清潔劑的使用濃度外,其他因素皆不會影響清潔劑使用後的殘留量;蔬果的殘留檢測發現,包括蔬果種類、三氯沙添加濃度、清潔劑使用濃度、及浸泡時間等因素皆不會影響清潔劑使用後的殘留量。此外,當利用添加方式使清潔劑中甲醇、鉛及砷濃度高達標準五倍時,餐具經清洗後再使用時,甲醇完全未被檢出,而砷及鉛雖然部份可檢出殘留,但其濃度均未超過飲用水水質標準。
The detergents for food are widely used in every family, restaurants, and food industries. However, the detergent residue might affect people’s health if the ingredients of the detergents contain arsenic, heavy metals (lead, for example), and methanol. In order to promote public health and also to improve the quality of living, the purpose of this research was to perform the residual analysis after the use of food detergents. Factors that might affect the residues of the detergents were evaluated.
Method No. 0949412804 published by the Department of Health, Executive Yuan, was basically used in this research. Concentrations of methanol, arsenic, lead and triclosan in detergents were determined, The Taguchi Experimental Design was utilized for the residual analysis. Factors including the immersion temperatures, the temperatures of the cleaning processes, the concentrations of detergents, the varieties of food dishes, and the immersion time of the detergent, were all evaluated.
From the detergents investigated, 5.3% of the samples showed positive responses regarding the tests of fluorescence, and 1.4% of the samples showed that the concentrations of methanol were higher than the listed regulation. On the other hand, the concentrations of arsenic and lead from the samples collected were within the allowable ranges while the concentrations of triclosan from the disinfectants collected were found to be 0.0017~0.056% (triclosan/disinfectant, g/g). It was found that the immersion temperatures, the temperatures of the cleaning processes, the concentrations of detergent, the varieties of food dishes, and the immersion time of the detergent etc. will not affect the residual of methyl alcohol, lead and arsenic. The immersion temperatures, the temperatures of the cleaning processes, the varieties of food dishes, and the immersion time of the detergent etc. will not affect the residual of triclosan except for the concentrations of detergent. The varieties of fruits and vegetables, the concentrations of detergents, the concentrations of triclosan, and the immersion time did not show to have significant effects for the residuals on food. Besides, the concentrations of arsenic and lead were within the ranges regulated by the Drinking Water Standards even when the spiked concentration equaled 5 times the allowable limits in the detergents. |