本研究以台灣產樟芝新鮮子實體為組織培養之先導樣品,循真菌類組織培養模式加以改良,探討培養基內容物及培養環境對菌絲體生長速率之影響(如:碳源、其他營養物質及溫度、光線、酸鹼度等環境因素),並由所誘發生長之菌絲體,經傳統成分抽提法所得之粗抽物,對其進行癌細胞毒殺試驗及生體可用性評估。經實驗結果顯示,樟芝菌絲體之培養以MEA培養基、暗培養、25℃、pH4.5的條件下生長狀況較為良好。以50%酒精水溶液抽提之菌絲體於200μg/mL劑量濃度下,對HL-60血癌細胞株有明顯的抑制及毒殺作用,且在500μg/mL 內不影響人類正常細胞(Chang liver cell, Detroit551, and WS-1)的生長。
This study investigated how breeding conditions affected the culturing tissue of mycelia from Antrodia camphorata and evaluated its safety and cytotoxicity against HL-60 leukemia cancer cells. The effect of culturing medium, temperature, intensity of light, and pH value on the growth of mycelia were examined. The use of MEA medium, with no light, at 25℃ and pH 4.5 were found to yield mycelia with the largest diameter. The results indicated that the ethanolic extracts of mycelia from A. camphorata at concentrations of 200μg/mL inhibited the growth of HL-60 cells while exhibiting under 500μg/mL no significant cytotoxicity to normal cells (including Chang liver cell, Detroit 551 Human embryonic skin cell and WS-1 Human skin keratinocytes).