摘要: | 背景:
慢性腎衰竭患者,會因為許多因素影響,包括代謝性酸中毒、鈣磷失衡、活性維生素D製造不足、與服用含鋁藥物等,而產生骨頭代謝異常並引發腎性骨病變。此外,骨頭代謝異常也會發生在一些有慢性肝臟疾病(例如: 酒精性肝炎、病毒性肝炎和原發性膽汁肝硬化等)的病人身上,我們稱之為肝性骨病變。而某些影響骨頭礦物化及代謝的激素是在肝臟這個器官所代謝, 譬如維生素D 和副甲狀腺荷爾蒙。因此我們設計一個研究來探討慢性B型肝炎感染在腹膜透析病人對骨頭礦物代謝的影響。
我們一共收集到220 名病人(其中142 位女性, 78位男性)。平均年齡是有56.3歲(19~86歲)。在這些患者之中,23 名患者有慢性B型肝炎感染,而其他197 名患者沒有B型肝炎感染。在血清中的鈣離子方面,有慢性B型肝炎感染和沒有B型肝炎感染病患分別為9.90?b0.85 mg/dL和10.08?b0.80 mg/dL (p=0.354)。在血清中的磷離子方面,有慢性B型肝炎感染和沒有B型肝炎感染病患分別為5.26±1.58 mg/dL和5.21±1.35 mg/dL ( p=0.879)。在血清中的鈣磷乘積方面,有慢性B型肝炎感染和沒有B型肝炎感染病患分別為52.23±17.54 mg2/dL2和52.42±14.16 mg2/dL2 (p=0.960)。不管在血清中的鈣離子、磷離子或鈣磷乘積方面,有慢性B型肝炎感染和沒有B型肝炎感染病患之間並無統計學上的差異。在血清中的副甲狀腺荷爾蒙方面,有慢性B型肝炎感染和沒有B型肝炎感染病患分別為255.20±272.92 pg/mL和422.83±477.76 pg/mL (p=0.035)。有慢性B型肝炎感染病患的血清中的副甲狀腺荷爾蒙明顯的比沒有B型肝炎感染病患來的低,且達到統計學上的意義。使用線性回歸分析,慢性B型肝炎感染也是影響血清中的副甲狀腺荷爾蒙的重大因子(p=0.021)之一。
Objective: Some bone mineral hormone is metabolized in the liver, such as vitamin D and parathyroid hormone. Abnormality of bone mineral metabolism is also a common complication in chronic hepatic disease, as called hepatic osteodystrophy. We designed the study to evaluate the impact of chronic hepatitis B infection on bone mineral metabolism in peritoneal dialysis patients.
Patients and Methods: We recruited patients from the peritoneal dialysis unit of a medical center in central Taiwan. Chronic hepatitis B infection is defined as hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) positive two times at least 6 months apart. Serum calcium[adj], phosphorus, calcium and phosphorus product (Ca X P) and intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) levels were compared in patients with or without chronic hepatitis B infection.
Results: A total of 220 patients (142 female, 78 male) with a mean age of 56.30± 14.28 years (range, 19–86 years old) were recruited in this study. Among these patients, 23 patients showed chronic hepatitis B infection and 197 patients showed no hepatitis B infection. There is no statistically significant difference in serum calcium[adj] levels (9.90?b0.85 mg/dL vs. 10.08?b0.80 mg/dL, p=0.354), phosphorus levels (5.26±1.58 mg/dL vs. 5.21±1.35 mg/dL, p=0.879) and calcium and phosphorus product (Ca X P) (52.23±17.54 mg2/dL2 vs. 52.42±14.16 mg2/dL2, p=0.960) between peritoneal dialysis patients with and without chronic hepatitis B infection. The serum iPTH levels are significant lower in chronic hepatitis B infection group than control group (255.20±272.92 pg/mL v.s. 422.83±477.76 pg/mL, p=0.035). Using linear regression analysis, chronic hepatitis B infection significantly influence the serum iPTH levels in peritoneal dialysis patients (p=0.021).
Conclusion: There is no significant difference in serum calcium[adj], phosphorus and calcium and phosphorus product (Ca X P) levels between peritoneal dialysis patients with and without chronic hepatitis B infection. However, the serum iPTH levels are significantly lower in chronic hepatitis B infection group. |