摘要: | 摘要
方法:以台中縣市國小五、六年級及國中高中(職)學生為母群體,採分層集束的抽樣法進行抽樣,有效樣本共計6245位。本研究為橫斷式研究設計(cross-sectional study),研究工具採結構式的問卷,以受試者自填的方式蒐集資料,內容包括社會人口學特質、個人心理因素、家庭與社會的環境動力因素、個人行為因素,以及創傷經驗等與青少年自殺企圖相關因素之資料。資料分析先評估自殺企圖之盛行率,並以多變項的分析方法探討影響青少年自殺企圖的危險因素。
結果:青少年自殺企圖之終生盛行率為5.2%,經多變項複邏輯斯迴歸分析後發現顯著影響青少年自殺企圖行為的相關因素如下:性別 (相對於男生,女生OR值為3.60,95% CI:2.70-4.79)、家庭支持(OR=0.91,95% CI:0.89-0.93)、親身遭受肢體創傷(OR=2.53,95% CI:1.90-3.38)、親身受到性騷擾/性暴力(OR=3.17,95% CI:2.26-4.46)、自身事故傷害經驗(OR=2.63,95% CI:2.02-3.41)、目睹他人遭受肢體傷害(OR:=1.59,95% CI:1.18-2.15)、目睹過他人遭受性騷擾/性暴力(OR=2.84,95% CI:1.89-4.28)及喝酒(OR=1.51,95% CI:1.16-2.02)。
Objectives: The purposes of this cross-sectional study were to investigate the one-year prevalence rates of suicide attempts and to identify risk factors associated with suicide attempts among adolescents.
Methods: We used stratified cluster sampling method to recruit a sample of 6245 students aged 11-18 years in Taichung city and county. Using self-reported questionnaires, we collected information on the behavior of suicide attempts and its correlates including socio-demographic factors, individual psychological factors such as self-esteem and impulsivity, family and social dynamic factors such as the perceptions of family and teacher support, family violence, and peer deviance, health-risk behaviors, and victimization. Data analysis measured the prevalences of suicide attempts by various factors. Odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were calculated.
Results: Overall, 5.2% of the students reported of having suicide attempts. The results of the multiple logistic regression models showed that girls were more likely to have suicide attempts than boys (OR=3.60). Family support had a protective effect (OR=0.91). The other significant factors associated with suicide attempts were having others experiencd physical violence (OR= 2.53) and having witnessed violence (OR=1.59), having experienced accident (OR= 2.63), having experienced and witnessed sexual harassment or violence (OR= 3.71 and 2.84, respectively) , and drinking behavior (OR=1.51). However, we found slight but significant protective effect for adolescents with higher family suporrt (OR=0.91).
Conclusions: Girls were at highr risk than boys for adolescent suicide attempts. Elevated risk of suicide attempts were also associated with abnormal psychological factors, family support, substance use, and being direct and witnessing victims of physical violence and sexual harassment/violence. This study suggests that prevention programs should expand the approaches from individuals to multi-level interventions, focusing on increasing the cohesion in families, schools and society as a whole.
Key words: Adolescent, Suicide attempt, Family support, Victimization, Health-risk behavior |