摘要: | 中部科學工業園區於民國91年正式核定興建,該產業中可能產生之揮發性有機污染物(volatile organic compounds, VOCs),造成附近環境之污染,其中以BTEX中之苯(benzene)、甲苯(toluene)、乙苯(ethylbenzene)及二甲苯(xylene)較為常見。苯環類之有機物具有高度的揮發性,可經由吸入、皮膚接觸進入人體,引起頭痛、噁心、暈眩、神經系統及協調功能之減弱。而為瞭解苯的人體暴露,可利用苯經人體代謝後之產物trans, trans-muconic acid( t,t-MA)作為本代謝之生物指標。因此,本研究之目的在探討中部科學工業園區正式量產或增加附近交通流量後,評估附近居民暴露於室內空中之BTEX濃度與其苯代謝產物之相關性。研究對象分別以問卷進行訪視,分為中科附近居民(當作暴露組)與新社鄉 (當作對照組)兩族群,問卷內容包含基本資料、生活習慣、居家環境,並收集其尿液。且由問卷訪視中徵求自願以家庭做居家室內、外空氣中BTEX濃度測定、同時收取尿液進行苯代謝物t,t-MA之偵測,作為相關指標。結果顯示高暴露組t,t-MA濃度最高(76.9±121.2μg/g cre)而低暴露組及對照組分別為(47.8±47.0, 48.8±47.3 μg/g cre),經分析發現性別、年齡、教育程度、BMI、拜拜習慣、空氣清靜機使用與否皆可能影響t,t-MA濃度。將兩組民眾之性別及年齡配對後以減少個人屬性之變異,得知兩組間t,t-MA濃度亦有顯著性之差異(p=0.012),進一步比較95與、96兩年當地暴露組民眾之t,t-MA濃度呈現增加趨勢且有達顯著性之差異,是否與中部科學工業園區之排放污染物有關,應再深入之調查兩者之相關性。
In order to promote island wide economic development, the government established a program of Central Taiwan Scientific Park (CTSP) in 2002 to upgrade the industry in Central Taiwan. Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) used in industrial process may induce harmful effects for human. BTEX stands chemicals for benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene. Aromatic compound are highly volatile.The urinary level of trans, trans-muconic acid (t,t-MA) can be used as the biomarker of exposure to benzene. Exposure to these chemicals by respiratory absorption or skin contact may cause adverse health effects including headache, nausea, dizzy and weakness coordination ability.
The objectives of this study are to assess the relationship between the indoor exposure of BTEX and the biological level of benzene (t,t-MA) among residents living near the park. We recruited 155 residents in the exposure area and 38 residents in the control area. For the comparability of demographic status, subjects recruited to the tow groups were matched by gender and age. We interviewed them using a structured questionnaire for collecting information on demographic, life style and environmental factors etc. Five houses in the vicinity of CTSP and five houses in the control area were selected and monitored for BTEX concentrations in the indoor and outdoor air and analyzed using GC/FID. The mean level of t,t-MA in the high-exposure group (76.9±121.2 μg/g cre.) was significant higher than that in the low-exposure group (47.8±47.0 μg/g cre.) and in the control group (48.8±47.3 μg/g cre.). Factors including age, education level, body mass index, use of incense, use of air cleaner affected the t,t-MA level. There was a significant difference on the mean levels of t,t-MA between the two groups. In exposure group, t,t-MA levels in this year were significantly high than in the last year. However, it is necessary to verify the association between the emission of VOCs from CTSP and metabolites of benzene in residents living near CTSP. |