摘要: | 近年來,台灣地區政府與民間均積極發展半導體電子工業,目前它己成為台灣最重要的產業之一,雖然高科技產業帶來經濟的發展,但亦有可能對附近環境產生重大之衝擊。由於過去台灣缺乏建立工業或科學園區環境之基本背景資料,以致當地產生污染事件時,而無法深入探討其因果性。中部科學園區(簡稱中科)於2003年開始整地,2005年部分工廠開始試運。本研究主要目的從2005年至2007年追蹤調查中科周界居民及其生活環境進行,建立中科園區民眾生物偵測的背景資料,以作為民眾暴露空氣污染之基準值。主要偵測空氣污染物PAHs之生物偵測,包括1-羥基芘(1-hydroxypyrene, 1-OHP) 及2-奈酚(2-naphthol, 2-NP)分別代表Pyrene (Pyr)及Naphthalene (Nap)。研究對象分別來自中科園區附近4個不同社區分別為國安社區甲區、國安社區乙區、鄉林社區及台中縣秀山村居民,共有696名作為暴露組;以新社鄉的新社村及大南村作為對照組,共約有128名。每位受訪者均進行問卷訪視,並取其尿液檢體,同時檢測受試者之肺功能。尿中1-OHP及2-NP均用HPLC-Fluorescence進行分析。
研究結果顯示95、96及97年居民尿中1-OHP經校正後濃度分別為0.030±0.041 μmol/mol cre.、0.014±0.059 μmol/mol cre.及0.021±0.034 μmol/mol cre.;2-NP經校正後濃度分別為2.27±3.70 μmol/mol cre.、2.94±3.40 μmol/mol cre.及2.49±2.75 μmol/mol cre.,三年間尿中1-OHP及2-NP取對數後均有顯著性差異。尿中1-OHP及2-NP濃度均以女性尿中代謝物濃度明顯高於男性。此研究結果與美國2001至2002全國20歲以上之民眾尿中1-OHP濃度為1.07 μmol/mol cre.及2-NP濃度為1.64 μmol/mol cre.幾何平均值相較下,本研究之1-OHP檢驗值有較低之現象,但在2-NP濃度值則有較高的現象。經複迴歸分析結果顯示,尿中1-OHP濃度與咳嗽症狀之間均有顯著相關性,另外在2-NP濃度與咳痰、氣喘與感冒與胸部疾病異常有顯著之相關性。研究結論中科園區民眾生物偵測的尿中1-OHP及2-NP濃度有逐年遞增現象,有可能與中科排放或附近交通量增加有關。因此,未來希望能長期監測中科附近空氣污染物的變化,以作為中科園區未來控制空氣污染物之參考依據。
Over the past 20 years, the government and private sector have developed the semi-conductor industry, which is an important industry in Taiwan, leading economic growth in Taiwan. However, residents living near industrial parks complain of air pollution produced form the industry park. The government established the Central Taiwan Scientific Park (CTSP) in 2004 to upgrade the industry in Central Taiwan which formally began in 2006. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were produced because of incomplete combustion during the manufacturing process. The objective of this study was to periodically monitor 1-hydroxypyrene (1-OHP) and 2-naphthol (2-NP) levels in urine among residents in the vicinity of CTSP from 2005 to 2008, as well as to investigate the factors influencing the biological levels of PAH. Four hundred ninty eight residents from four areas near CTSP were selected and compared to 90 people in the control group. All participants were interviewed using questionnaires, and evaluated pulmonary function by a portable spirometer. Urine samples were also collected from all participants to measure 1-OHP and 2-NP levels in urine using HPLC-Fluorescence.
Results showed the average amounts of urinary 1-OHP were 0.030±0.041, 0.014±0.059, and 0.021±0.034 μmol/mol cre. , and the amounts of urinary 2-NP were 2.27±3.70, 2.94±3.40, and 2.49±2.75 μmol/mol cre. in 2005-2006, 2006-2007, and 2007-2008, respectively. The differences of average measured among three periods were significant 1-OHP and 2-NP levels in urine. The mean urine 1-OHP and 2-NP levels were higher in females than males due to possible exposure to indoor or outdoor PAH. We found that the average urinary 2-NP levels (1.64 μmol/mol cre.) measured in our panticipants was higher than that in American adults; but, the average urinary 1-OHP level was lower. After adjusting for study time, age, gender, educational level, residential distance form traffic and employment status, the result of multiple logistic regression showed that urinary 1-OHP level was significantly related to people with cough. Similarly, urinary 2-NP levels were significantly correlated with the sputum symptom, the common cold and thoracic disease. We conclude that urinary 1-OHP and 2-NP levels in residents in the vicinity of CTSP gradually increased during the three consecutive study years. It is necessary to periodically measure the levels of PAH in the environment in order to monitor the air pollution emitted from CTSP. In addition, we need further investigate the relationship between air pollutants and the health effects for residents who live near CTSP. |