This survey estimated the extremely-low-frequency magnetic field (ELF-MF) exposure in households with children under the age of 7 years in Taiwan. To select a representative sample, we used the probability proportional to size sampling technique and simple random cluster sampling technique to select study districts in each city/county of Taiwan. A total of 40 districts were selected and all households with children aged less than 7 (n = 4184) were visited and solicited for in-home measurements. Four trained interviewers carried out spot-measurements in rooms of each selected household during a two-year period. A questionnaire inquiring residential characteristics and nearby power facilities was also administered to a parent or caregiver. ELF-MF measurements were performed in a total of 2214 households (53% participation rate). Controlling for participation rate, the weighted overall mean magnetic field exposure was estimated at 0.121 (standard deviation 0.185) micro-Tesla (μT) (range 0.010–3.304 μT). Mean exposures were higher than 0.3 and 0.4 μT in an estimated 7.3% (n = 159) and 5.4% (n = 115) of the households, respectively. There was a substantial agreement between overall mean residential exposure and exposure measured in children's bedrooms. In a multivariate logistic regression model, we noted that buildings with advanced age, buildings for both residential and commercial uses, and buildings close to power facilities were more likely a to have mean exposure above 0.4 μT. Our survey results indicate that residential ELF-MF exposure is likely to be higher for children in Taiwan than for children in Europe and North America.