摘要: | 隨著飲食日益多元及生活模式的轉變,國內兒童肥胖情形逐年增加,性早熟(Central Precocious Puberty)的現象越來越普遍,發生年齡也有逐漸提早的趨勢,性早熟除了有過早的第二性徵提早發育外,也會使骨骼年齡超前、生長板提早閉鎖使得最終身高矮低於遺傳身高。已知孩童的生長發育可能會受到孩童飲食攝取、體位等因素的影響,因此本研究欲利用行動裝置記錄孩童飲食並用於探討食物類別及攝取量與孩童體位及性早熟病程之關聯。試驗於台中市中山醫學大學附設醫院兒科部蘇本華醫師門診收入符合條件之性早熟之兒童,利用行動裝置進行30天之飲食記錄,最後共收入80位6-12歲之受試者,性早熟程度以骨齡超前情形做分組進行後續統計分析。結果顯示在體位方面,性早熟兒童有體脂率偏高的情形;飲食方面,在與國民營養調查之同齡兒童比較後發現性早熟兒童飲食中蛋白質及脂肪佔熱量比例高於一般兒童,性早熟程度上,發現性早熟程度較高的兒童有精製糖攝取較多的情形,而性早熟程度較低之兒童主要選擇脂肪較低蛋白質的來源,像是帶殼海產類之蛋白質,在控制住年齡、性別、體位因素後進行羅吉斯回歸分析發現帶殼海產的影響仍在,攝取越多帶殼海產則骨齡超前的風險越低。綜合上述結果顯示性早熟兒童有較高脂肪、低蔬果的飲食型態,且特定食物攝取可能間接或直接對兒童性發育產生影響。
With the increasing diversity of diets and changes in lifestyles, the situation of children's obesity is increasing year by year, and the phenomenon of central precocious puberty is becoming more and more common, and the age of premature puberty is gradually early. It is known that children's growth and development may be affected by children's dietary intake, body position and other factors. Therefore, this study intends to use mobile devices to record children's diet and to explore the association between dietary intake, their body composition and the process of precocious puberty. The trial was held in the out-patient department of Pediatrics, Zhongshan Medical University, Taichung City. Children who were diagnosed with central precocious puberty were asked to record 30 days of diets by using mobile devices. There were 80 subjects aged 6-12 years were included. The degree of central precocious puberty was grouped by the advancement of bone age for statistical analysis.
The results showed that children with central precocious puberty had a have a tendency to have high percentage of body fat ; in terms of diet, compared with the children of the same age in the Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT), it was found that the proportion of protein and fat in the diet of central precocious puberty children was higher than that of general children. In terms of diet, after comparing with the children in NAHSIT, it was found that the proportion of protein and fat in the diet of central precocious puberty children was higher than that of general children. Children with higher degree of central precocious puberty have higher intake of sugar. The children with lower precocious puberty tend to choose lower fat protein, such as shellfish. After controlling the age, gender, and body composition, using logistic regression analysis found that the effects of the intake of shellfish and low-fat dairy are still exist. The more intake of shellfish, the lower the risk of bone age advanced. As mentioned above, the results show that children with central precocious puberty have a higher fat, lower vegetable and fruit diet, and specific food intake may have influences on children's sexual development indirectly or directly. |