目前臨床執行的近接治療(Brachytherapy)計畫尚未將裝療器(Applicator)納入計算並考慮材質造成的劑量擾動,故此研究在填充有NIPAM (N-isopropylacrylamide)凝膠劑量計之假體(Phantom)中置入臨床用於治療子宮頸癌之Henschke裝療器,以放射核種銥(Ir-192)植入照射多射源位置之子宮頸癌治療計畫,透過自行研製之平行射束光學電腦斷層掃描儀(Parallel-beam optical-CT scanner )擷取凝膠劑量計所測得之三維劑量分布資料,並利用伽瑪評估法(Gamma evaluation)以3%劑量差異(Dose difference, DD)及3mm劑量吻合距離(Distance to agreement, DTA)之門檻,將此劑量計之量測值與治療計畫系統(Treatment planning system, TPS)模擬之估計值進行劑量驗證與比較。
The aim of this study was to investigate the characteristics of the NIPAM gel dosimeter with a clinically used Henschke applicator for the application of brachytherapy dose verification so that the gel dosimeter could be employed in clinic in the future.
The treatment planning system (TPS) of brachytherapy currently calculate based on the TG-43 report which neither consider the dose disturbance caused by the material of applicator nor include a dose correction for it. Therefore, this research designed a phantom filled with NIPAM (N-isopropylacrylamide) gel and a Henschke applicator for clinical treatment of cervical cancer was implanted. A high dose rate (HDR) Ir-192 radioactive source was adopted to give this gel dosimeter phantom prescription dose for cervical cancer brachytherapy based on TPS by multiple-dwell position method, then three-dimension dose distribution data from gel dosimeter was measured by a self-created parallel-beam optical-CT scanner. The gamma evaluation technique was used to calculate the pass rate by comparing the measured data and TPS point by point, the criteria were 3% dose difference (DD) and 3 mm distance to agreement (DTA).
The results indicated that the central cylinder used to cover the applicator in the phantom would cause refraction and scatters when optical-CT was receiving the image of the gel dosimeter so that the reconstruction analysis data would have noise, which led to affect the dose distribution. Also, the polymerization of gel closed to the central cylinder was affected due to the deferent media between each other, so there was a low gamma pass rate surrounding to the central cylinder. On the other hand, the isodose curve revealed that the gel dosimeter slightly underestimated the dose compared to the calculated value of TPS. The possible reason was that the applicator was made of stainless steel, which played a role as a tract into the phantom to irradiate. Because the radiation was attenuated during irradiation, the gel dosimeter did not receive the originally set dose, so that the measured dose didn’t coincide with TPS. Even though there was some difference between the gel dosimeter and the treatment plan in particular area, the overall gamma pass rate is over 95%. This study also discussed the stability of the NIPAM gel dosimeter, the results show that the stability and dose reproducibility of the dosimeter were excellent within 96 hours after irradiation.