目的 慢性阻塞性肺部疾病(COPD)患者的治療常著重於身體症狀與生理層面,而忽略了患者的心理、社會等層面的問題。健康相關生活品質(HRQL)經常能有效地反應患者的自覺健康狀況。本研究探討COPD患者的臨床因子與其健康相關生活品質之相關性。方怯 共計收案132名COPD患者,年齡介於44.2至88.4歲,收案期間為2001年至2003年。主要測量患者的臨床資料及以世界衛生組織生活品質問卷(WHOQOL-BREF)所測得的健康相關生活品質。相關分析及複迴歸分析用以評估影響健康相關生活品質的臨床因子。結果 若患者的第一秒最大呼氣量(FEV1%預測值)值較低,且在疲倦與呼吸困難症狀的得分較低,則患者於生理範疇的健康相關生活品質得分亦顯著較低,若患者呼吸困難症狀的得分較低亦於環境範疇有顯著較低的得分。臨床症狀與心理範疇及社會範疇的得分無顯著相關性。結論 健康相關生活品質對患者健康狀況能提供更全面的訊息如心理健康、社會關係及對環境的感受性等,使健康照護者能更加瞭解疾病對患者的影響層面。
Purpose. Treatment strategies of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are often based on clinical data, such as lung function and physical symptoms, and neglect patients' quality of life. The health- related quality of life (HRQL) measurement can often reflect patients' self-perceived well-being, such as psychological state, social relationships and environmental health. The relationship among clinical variables and HRQL were investigated in order to optimize the appropriate treatment for patients with COPD. Methods. Clinical data and HRQL (WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire) were collected from 132 COPD patients (age range, 44.2 to 88.4 yr) from 2001 to 2003. Correlation, crude regression and multiple regression analysis were used to determine the factors that influenced HRQL. Results. Mean HRQL scores were significantly lower among patients with lower predicted FEV1 and lower scores for fatigue and breathing difficulties in the physical domain, and breathing difficulties in the environmental domain. None of the clinical variables correlated significantly with the psychological and social domains. Conclusions. The HRQL yields additional information about patients' health status, such as psychological well-being, social relationships and perception of environment. These data may provide health care providers with a much more detailed picture of the disease.