摘要: | 桂的應用與文獻記載已有相當悠久的歷史,但從桂衍生出的許多名稱、涉及其主治、功能,於歷朝歷代皆有些許出入。自神農本草經以來,如菌桂、牡桂及單名「桂」,進而演變成菌桂、牡桂、桂枝、肉桂、桂心,雖然歷代諸家本草、方書一路沿襲記載,但至今仍混淆交錯,甚至不斷出現新的名稱。本研究目的在於從歷代本草、方書典籍等文獻中,希望對菌桂、牡桂、桂枝、肉桂、桂心,及之後典籍所衍生出的許多名稱予以釐清,使其名實相符。研究結果顯示菌桂、牡桂、單名「桂」之差異為:菌桂是薄卷至三重卷者;牡桂原先包含大、小枝皮之非「筒卷」者;單名「桂」是指「桂枝」、「肉桂」,而「桂心」屬於「桂枝」、「肉桂」去麤皮者。至宋代更將菌桂去麤皮,亦當作「桂心」入藥用。「肉桂」是指「半卷、多脂」而「皮厚」、更「多脂」者;「桂枝」是指「半卷、多脂」而「皮嫩」者。但從宋代以後,又以「柳桂」取代「桂枝」,形成今日以「嫩枝條」充當「桂枝」,與原出典「桂枝」用「嫩枝皮」不相符合之情況。所以「桂枝」、「肉桂」的「枝皮」等級,原先以是否「半卷」為依據。今日典載規範「桂枝」用嫩枝條,名實不符。故核定菌桂、牡桂、桂枝、肉桂、桂心於典籍文獻上之名實,當可確保用藥的有效和安全。
It has been a long time that the guei has been documented; however, the concept and objective of guei still differed through history. There are many derived names such as jiun-guei, mu-guei, guei-zhi, rou-guei, and guei-xin that confused the efficacy from bencao to bencao. The purpose of this research is to clearly identify the meaning of jiun-guei, mu-guei, guei-zhi, rou-guei, and guei-xin, by searching through many editions of bencao in the history and the writings of Chinese medical doctors. From the research result it shows that jiun-guei is thin roll to triple roll. The origin of mu-guei was non-rolling type. Guei-zhi, rou-guei, and guei-xin were derived from the branchlets of mu-guei and have been called guei since the northern and southern dynasties. Guei-xin is guei-zhi and rou-guei without the bark. Jiun-guei without the bark was also used as guei-xin since the song dynasty. Rou-guei is half-rolling, more fats, and thick skin. Guei-zhi is half-rolling, more fats, and tender twig skin. Liu-guei is the twig of the medicinal and replaces guei-zhi since the song dynasty. Therefore, guei-zhi and rou-guei are both skins with half-rolling, more fats. Guei-zhi is not the twig as the pharmacopoeia specified. To ascertain the concept and objective of jiun-guei, mu-guei, guei-zhi, rou-guei, and guei-xin from bencao to bencao can ensure the safety and efficacy. |