Since January 1, 2016, the health care reporting code in Taiwan has been fully converted from ICD-9-CM(2001) to ICD-10-CM/PCS(2014). Total coding numbers of ICD-10-CM/PCS is about 8 times to ICD-9-CM coding numbers. The system structure between these two coding system is very different. It may also causes TW-DRGs changes. To estimate the impact on aggregate payments based on the TW-DRGs assigned using ICD-9-CM coded data with the ICD-9-CM version of the TW-DRGs are compared to ICD-10-CM/PCS coded date with the ICD-10-CM/PCS version of the TW-DRGs is very important.
This paper uses the coding data since 2015 January to June. Payment based on the TW-DRGs assigned using ICD-9-CM coded data with the ICD-9-CM version of the TW-DRGs are compared to payment based on the TW-DRGs assigned using ICD-10-CM/PCS coded data with the ICD-10-CM/PCS version of the TW-DRGs. Use relative weight to estimate the payment between ICD-9-CM and ICD-10-CM/PCS TW-DRGs version. This paper will use total aggregate relative weight in each MDC(Major Diagnostic Categories) group, to compare between these two TW-DRGs, and use the Coefficient of Variance in each TW-DRGs medical cost, to identify ICD-10-CM/PCS version TW-DRGs should recheck its rules or not.
7,778(28.27%) cases had changed in ICD-10-CM/PCS TW-DRGs assignment. Total relative weight decrease 76.67, 44.90% shifted to higher-weight TW-DRGs, 55.10% shifted to lower-weight TW-DRGs. Aggregate weight change was -0.23%.
The results of this study show that aggregate payments will decrease on ICD-10-CM/PCS TW-DRGs, and suggest to revise ICD-10-CM/PCS TW-DRGs rules, not just mapping from ICD-9 version. Hospitals need to take serious on this, and prepare on this change as early as they can.