Basic researchers and medical doctors are searching for better therapy for fibromyalgia (FM). Several drugs including Pregabalin, Duloxetine, Milnacipran are recommended to treat FM but with some side effects such as headache, nausea, and diarrhea. At this point, traditional Acupuncture has advantages in curing this symptom. FM may result from tissue acidosis, ischemia, and inflammation. Even the mechanisms of pain is well documented, the real understanding of FM is unclear. Tissue acidosis, activation of nociceptive response, and immune-mediator release are often observed in FM patients. Acupuncture is used for treating pain but its effect in FM pain is unknown. Here we injected acid saline into muscle to induce mice FM pain and further examine if electroacupuncture (EA) can reduce FM pain through electronic von Frey filament test. We next use western blot technique to verify if ASIC3 and related molecules were changed in this process. Our results showed that different frequency EA (2Hz, 15Hz, 50Hz) could reduce FM pain. We further identified that ASIC3, Nav1.7, and Nav1.8 were up- regulated in DRG from FM mice. Similar results can also be obtained in central SC level. These data supported the therapeutic effect and mechanisms of EA. We indicated that these finding could be clinically used for treating FM pain.