台灣生育率自1950年代的7.0一路下滑至1983年的2.1,已經不足以維持世代替換之水平。2003年起更跌破1.3,成為最低生育率(Lowerest-low fertility)的國家。人口老化、勞動力不足等生會安全議題逐漸浮現。低生育率的原因包含經濟壓力、婦女受教程度提高、婦女就業率提高及晚婚等等;然而,男女生殖、內分泌以及泌尿道病理性因素或不孕則鮮少被討論。男性因素在探討生育率時更時常不被重視,在台灣相關的統計、研究也十分缺乏。
The total fertility rate in Taiwan had decreased from 7.0, in the 1950s, to 2.1 within 30 years since 1983. Even lower number, which was 1.3, has been recorded since 2003, which made Taiwan the “lowerest-low fertility” country. The issues for population, for examples, aging and decreasing amount of labors started to emerge. The attribution of low fertility rate includes socioeconomic stress, higher degree of female education, higher female employee rate and delayed marriage. Pathological problems of both sex, nonetheless, such as genital or endocrinal abnormality, are not at the point. Male issues are even more neglected and lack of either statistics or research.
This study collected the semen sample form the men who resided in Taipei city and has married but without the first children. A total of 823 people has randomly came to Taipei Municipal Hospital, Zhongxiao Branch for semen analysis since 2008 until July 2015. Methods for sampling and examine are in accordance with WHO standard procedures. There are two purposes of the study: (1) to establish the relation between semen parameters and age by analyzing data collected from the recent four years (2012-2015) and (2) the relation between semen quality and total fertility rate by using more extended data (2008-2015).
Statistics showed negative relation between age and normal semen mortality and normal semen morphology. There was significant difference of sperm density within the four-year period (2012-2015). The Pearson correlation coefficient of qualified rate of semen and total fertility was 0.595; however, it was not statistically significant.
There is few research about semen quality in Taiwan. More factors which may affect semen quality can be controlled or adjusted and study period can be elongated in future studies.