概念(concept)是協助我們了解語言意涵的基本元素,概念本身是以「語義屬性」來表徵(representation)的。不同物體語義屬性(例如:聽覺、視覺等等)加以描述後形成物體概念。物體概念的組織包含有視覺與功能二特徵。許多研究顯示物體概念的表徵與人類動作有關。巴金森氏症 (Parkinson disease,以下簡稱PD)病人除了動作障礙的問題外,也有研究者發現相較於正常人,病人的物體概念表徵有問題,尤其在生物類別。另一方面,PD病人對於呈現圖片的動作唸名相較正常人而言正確率比較低,表示PD病人在處理動作的相關概念有問題。本研究推論:大多數的生物皆會動;大多數的非生物皆不會動,PD病人的生物與非生物類別處理的問題是否混淆了動或不動的因素。因此,本研究想探討PD的動作障礙是否會影響其物體概念的表徵,尤其是生物與非生物及動或不動的概念。我們首先進行評定收集材料(實驗一),之後邀請正常大學生(實驗二)、PD病人(實驗三)、正常老人(實驗四)三組受試進行物體辨識作業。受試者需要判斷電腦螢幕所呈現的物體是否為真實的物體。本研究為2x2(生物/非生物x動/不動)受試者內與受試者間的混合設計,並收集反應時間及正確率。結果顯示:(1) 相較於非生物類別,正常大學生對於生物類別的處理比較快。此點與文獻的結果一致。當物體會動時,其反應時間也比不會動來的快。當生物且會動的物體,大學生的表現最快(實驗二)。(2)相較於非生物的類別,PD病人在生物類別處理較慢。相較於不動的物體,他們對動態的物體處理也比較慢。而且當生物且會動的物體,PD病人表現最慢(實驗三)。(3)正常老人的資料型態與正常大學相似(實驗四)。研究意涵PD病人的動作障礙可能會影響其物體概念表徵,導致其與生物及動態物體概念的缺損,PD病人動作障礙的缺損也可能會影響病人處理與身體化相關的概念。
Concept is the basic element that helps us to understand the language of hought. Different object semantic attributes was described to object concept. Concepts includes visual and functional features. The similar concepts may be represented in similar ways. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegeneration disease that caused by neural loss in substantia nigra, leading to the neurotransmitter, dopamine, decreases in the mid brain. Previous studies found that PD patients have deficits in identifying animate objects ( Antal, et al., 2002 ; Righi, et al., 2007). It was also found that PD patients have deficits in naming actions (Cotelli, et al., 2007). Since most animate objects are movable and most inanimate objects are unmovable, the main purpose here is to investigate whether PD’s deficit in categorizing animate or inanimate objects would confound with the movable/unmovable variable. We use the object decision task in which participants have to decide whether pictures represented real objects or non-objects.. It was a 2 (animate and inanimate) x2 (moveable and unmovable) experimental design. The reaction time and correct rate were both recorded and a repeated-measures ANOVA analysis was adopted. Preliminary results showed that :(1)The reaction time of processing animate objects in PD was slower than that of processing inanimate ones.;(2) The reaction time of processing movable objects in PD was also slower than that of processing unmovable ones. (3) There is interaction between animate/inanimate and movable/unmovable variables. We can conclude that PD patients have deficit in categorizing animate or inanimate objects,the moveable variable may be the influence factor.