摘要: | 人體之骨骼中大約有10%左右的骨骼持續的進行重新塑造(bone remodeling)的變化。Bone remodeling有二種不同的作用,其中包括骨骼之溶蝕作用 (bone resorption),及隨之而來之骨骼生成作用 (bone formation)。Bone remodeling之所以能順利進行,有賴於骨骼中二種不同之細胞通力合作才行。這二種細胞為負責骨骼溶蝕作用之破骨細胞(osteoclast)及負責成骨作用之『造骨細胞』(osteoblast)。根據過去的文獻探討,機械性效應或是電刺激可以影響成骨作用,提示我們可以在臨床上用來預防骨質減少。
考慮到藥品價位及副作用,電針可能是一種高效益用來治療骨質疏鬆的方式。本研究即探討以電針刺激大鼠足三里及三陰交穴位,是否可以用來治療骨質疏鬆症。本研究將18隻6週齡雌性大鼠隨機分配為三組,分別為控制組(CON,n=6),卵巢切除組(OVX,n=6)及電針組(OVX+EA,n=6)。探討電針是否可以預防卵巢切除大鼠骨質流失的情形,將正極接在足三里,負極接在三陰交穴,採取isoflurane氣體麻醉方式,使用2Hz電刺激器(Trio 300,Ito Co.,Japan),強度1-2mA,治療1個月。結果發現電針組大鼠血清中ALP含量明顯較卵巢切除組及控制組高,H/E染色發現電針組有預防卵巢切除造成骨質減少的作用,而電針組體重增加情形也較卵巢切除組來的少,總而言之,本實驗結果提示我們電針可以用來預防卵巢切除大鼠骨質減少情形,或許未來可以應用於停經後婦女預防或治療骨質疏鬆的方式。
In normal bone, there is constant matrix remodeling of bone; up to 10% of all bone mass may be undergoing remodeling at any point in time. Bone is resorbed by osteoclast cells, after which new bone is deposited by osteoblast cells. Mechanical or electrical stimuli can influence bone formation and resorption in vitro and in vivo, suggesting that these modalities can be used clinically to inhibit or reverse osteopenia.
Considering the high incidence of pharmacological treatments, electroacupuncture treatment with best cost benefit rates for osteoporosis were investigated in this study. Eighteen 6-week old SD female rats (BioLASCO Taiwan Co., Ltd.) weighing 180-220 g were used in this study. The rats were randomly divided into three groups, a control group (n=6), a model group (n=6) and an electroacupuncture(EA) group (n=6). The rats in Model group and EA group were received ovariectomy operation while the rats in control group received sham operation. The rats in EA group were then given EA on ST36 and SP6 bilaterally, fifteen mins per day, five days per week during four weeks (total twenty times), under isoflurane anesthesia (in flow of oxygen and nitrous oxide mixture; 3% for induction and 1.5% for maintenance). The positive electrode was connected to ST36, and the negative electrode to SP6. Electrical stimulation were provided by a pulse stimulator (Trio 300, Ito Co., Japan), which produced a biphasic square wave with the following characteristics: 2 Hz frequency, 1-2 mA duration pulses. The current intensity were adjusted until localized muscle contractions were observed. In this study, EA increased the bone volume of secondary spongiosa in tibia. EA on ST36 and SP6 could prevent ovariectomized (OVX) rats’ tibia from osteopenia change and increased serum level of alkaline phosphatase (ALP). The EA also avoided the body weight gain of rats in EA group compared to Model group. Taken together, our results might provide the evidence that EA can enhance bone formation by elevate serum ALP level in OVX rats. |