鬱金為薑科(Zingiberaceae)薑黃屬多種植物其乾燥塊根。冬季時當莖和葉枯萎後採挖,去除不要的鬚根部分,經過蒸或煮至透心,在陽光下曬乾所得。我國現代常用的藥用薑黃屬植物主要有: 溫鬱金Curcuma wenyujin Y. H. Chen et C. Ling 、廣西莪朮 Curcuma kwangsiensis S.G. Lee et C. F. Liang 、蓬莪朮 Curcuma phaeocaulis Val.、薑黃 Curcuma longa L.四種來源。常用中藥鬱金、莪朮、薑黃分別屬於上述四種植物的塊莖或塊根部分,以致於我國常出現鬱金、莪朮藥材混用的現象。
由於鬱金在中藥及臨床應用歷史悠久,具有廣泛得藥用價值,為確保臨床用藥安全有效,本研究對如何鑑別鬱金和鬱金的品質做了評估比較。檢測方法包括:活性評估、品質評估、安全性評估。其活性評估包括:還原力測定、DPPH 自由基清除能力、類黃酮含量、總多酚類含量測定,品質評估包括:外部形態特徵、顯微鑑別、薄層層析法、高效液相層析法,安全性評估包括:農藥殘留試驗、黃麴毒素試驗。藉由本研究,可做為國人對薑黃屬植物的區分以及市售鬱金之基原和品質優劣的比較參考。
Yujin belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, is the dried roots tubers of some Curcuma specics. It is harvested in winter, soil and rootlet removed, steamed or boiled thoroughly, then dried under the sun. In Taiwan Herbal Pharmacopeia, Curcumae Radix is the dried root tubers of Curcuma wenyujin Y. H. Chen et C. Ling, Curcuma longa L., Curcuma kwangsiensis S. G. Lee et C. F. Liang, or Curcuma phaeocaulis Val. “Yujin”; “Ezhu” and “Jianghuang” are frequently used in traditional Chinese medicine, they are rhizomes or root tubers parts of the four plants. Therefore, “Yujin” and “Ezhu” are offen confused on the markets.
Yujin is a commonly used Chinese crude drug and it has been utilized for its therapeutic effect since ancient times. To ensure its safety and efficacy, this research identified and evaluated the quality of Yujin. Biological activities assessments included total polyphenol, total flavonoid, total flavanol contents and DPPH free radical scavenging activity and reducing power. Quality control evaluation included microscopic identification, thin layer chromatography and high performance liguid chromatography; safety assessments included inspections on aflatoxins, organoclorides and other pesticide residues; The results of this study could be helpful for the identification and evaluation of the quality of Yujin.