摘要: | 近年來有關音樂療法的研究被廣泛進行,在生理與心理各領域顯示了正向影響,如調節血壓、改善睡眠障礙、穩定情緒與減輕焦慮等。有很多研究方法可以用來衡量音樂的效果,除了藉由常規檢查或問卷來瞭解疾病或身體狀態,此研究欲透過腕式生理監測儀器與經絡能量系統(良導絡),來探究音樂對於人體生理的效用。
本研究招募了67位健康受試者,受試者填寫問卷並靜躺後,進行約十七分鐘的音樂聆聽,實驗組聆聽蕭邦降A大調夜曲(op.32 No.2 in A-flat major)加上背景海潮聲,對照組聆聽海潮聲。實驗過程中包含了良導絡與腕式生理監測儀器之前測與後測。
Recently there were many researches dealing with music therapy, and revealed positive responses in various aspects, such as the blood pressure, the sleeping disorders, the mood stabilizing, and the relief of anxiety etc. from the view of the physiology or psychology. In this study, besides the regular inspections or questionnaires for the diseases and health states, we have adopted a wrist-worn heart rate monitor and a ryodoraku (M.E.A.D) to evaluate the body states caused by listening to music.
We have recruited 67 healthy volunteers for this study. The subjects were randomly distributed into two groups. The experimental group listened 17 minutes of Chopin’s composition (op.32 No.2 in A-flat major) combined with the sound of sea tide in the background, and the control group listened only the sound of sea tide. Before and after the listening to the music, the subjects’ body states were recorded with wrist-worn heart rate monitor and ryodoraku.
Our results showed that in the experimental group the systolic and diastolic pressures decreased. The heart rate decreased but the heart rate variability value increased. However, in the control group only the heart rate reduced significantly. From the ryodoraku’s measurements, the results appeared that the experimental group had a decreasing in Lung, Pericardium, Heart, Small Intestine, Large Intestine, Spleen, Gallbladder and Stomach meridians, while in the control group the decreasing were in PC, SI, and SP meridians.
Our results in clinical practice showed that the healthy subjects who had no special diseases had positive influence on cardiovascular disease or anxiety disorder under music intervention, and the decreased values of meridians could be a remedy reference of an auxiliary therapy for patients who was diagnosed as abnormal exciting in meridian energy. |