慢性便秘為國人常見的慢性腸道疾病之一,在美國成年人中,報告發生率範圍從3-30%,平均約15%。便秘的婦女發生率是男生的兩倍,便秘更是中老年人常見的疾病。文獻報告指出發酵乳(Ferment milk)可調節腸道蠕動時間,降低因為長時間蠕動而引起某些大腸疾病的敏感性,而人體腸道內菌叢可藉由飲食型態的改變,使有益菌及有害菌數量改變,達到改善人體腸道菌叢的目的,本研究為市售的統一原味多多活菌發酵乳對慢性便秘女性之改善胃腸蠕動,減少便秘之臨床評估,以及對改善胃腸蠕動,減少便秘之動物試驗希望藉此達到方便有效又安全的治療效果,並評估臨床生理機轉。
此研究目的為評估統一多多活菌發酵乳(原味)產品是否具有改善便祕、促進排便之效果。此外,也進行糞便的菌相分析,以評估試驗產品是否有改善腸道菌相之作用。同時,也評估糞便中TGF-beta, IL-10, IL-6, IFN-gamma之細胞免疫激素濃度。
根據本實驗結果證實,統一多多活菌發酵乳(原味)每日200ml確實可改善年輕女性便秘患者之排便情況,且可增加排便頻率、雙叉桿菌和乳酸桿菌群之數量(p < 0.05)。因此整體而言,此統一多多活菌發酵乳(原味)產品具有相當良好之促進排便作用,且對雙叉桿菌及乳酸桿菌的菌群有顯著提升的效果存在,但並無法有效地降低壞菌的數量。在不同實驗期間之細胞激素雖有變化,但因個體間之差異變化極大,因此統計分析結果皆無顯著差異存在。
動物試驗部份實驗結果顯示,第一部份之離體試驗,SD大鼠的胃、小腸、結腸肌肉組織在加入劑量大於120 μl/ml劑量一倍的多多發酵乳樣品後,即開始出現微弱的組織收縮現象,並隨著添加多多樣品的劑量增加而增強收縮,因此有劑量依賴性,而添加三倍多多樣品的組織,其刺激效果大於一倍劑量的多多。在小鼠的體內實驗中,餵食一倍及三倍多多發酵乳二週之後,小鼠之糞便粒數及水份含量皆較餵食生理食鹽水或安慰劑組之小鼠有顯著性增加的現象(p < 0.05)。在胃腸排空率試驗中,也證實餵食一倍及三倍多多發酵乳小鼠的胃腸道,其色素移動距離皆較生理食鹽水或安慰劑組遠,即餵食多多後小鼠之胃腸排空率在統計上有顯著性提高的現象(p < 0.05)。
The research is the subsidiary plan that the Uni-President Enterprises consign “Uni-President Yakult series: Original Yakult, Milk Yakult, Uni-President Yakult probiotic drink(original)and AB fermented powders improve and evaluate the bowel’s function along with the test for the fungus safety. The Second one evaluate clinically that: Uni-President Yakult probiotic drink (original) ameliorate the slight constipated women’s enterogastric peristalsis to reduce the Constipation disease.
?? The human experimentation of the subsidiary plan arrange thirty experimenter and adopt the single-blinded experiment. They are divided into the stable phase, placebo phase, experiment phase and removal phase. The stable phase maintains ten days. It regulates the experimenters’ eating habit and observes the cooperation degree of these ones. It will exclude the low cooperated degree ones from the phase experiment. The stable phase maintains ten days and they drink the Yakult placebo without the actobacillus. The experiment phase is that the experimenters drink 200ml Yakult probiotic drink (original) with the actobacillus for twenty days.
The removal phase is that the experimenters stop to drink for ten days and do the questionnaires and the analysis of the excrement.
The purpose is to evaluate whether the Uni-President Yakult probiotic drink(original) has the effect of improving Constipation and enhance defecation. Besides, it does the analysis of the excrement’s microflora to evaluate whether the testing products enhances the bowel’s microflora. Meanwhile, it also evaluates the dense of cells’ Immune hormone for the TGF-beta, IL-10, IL-6, IFN-gamma of the excrement.
According to the experiment result proved that Uni-President Yakult probiotic drink (original) with daily -200ml really can ameliorate the constipated young women’s evacuation condition. Further it can also increase the frequency of evacuation, the quantity in the bifid bacterium and the lactobacillus ensemble (p<0.05). As a result for the general condition, the Uni-President Yakult probiotic drink (original) does benefits with the evacuation condition and has the effect of promoting the bifid bacterium and the lactobacillus ensemble. However, it cannot reduce effectively the magnitude of the pernicious.