摘要: | 背景: 台灣飲用咖啡的人口與日俱增,目前全台2,300萬人口中,每人每年喝掉100杯左右的咖啡。研究指出適量的咖啡會刺激大腦皮層,增加感覺判斷、記憶,活躍心肌機能,促進血液循環,並提高新陳代謝機能;另外亦可減輕疲勞感和促進消化。中醫理論認為飲食進入到人體,即會通過胃氣的產生轉化出精微物質,再藉著脾肺的運輸和肅降,經由經絡分佈到各個臟器組織。所以,咖啡的飲用亦會遵循其理論,作用在其相對應經絡臟腑。本試驗欲藉由經絡能量分析儀-良導絡,來觀察健康自願者飲用咖啡後,對十二經絡能量的立即影響。
方法:本試驗招募20-45歲的自願受試者,實驗前先測量其身高體重,在靜躺15分鐘後,接受血壓、心跳和良導絡的測量(X)。完成測量後,在10分鐘內喝完1杯200 ml即溶沖泡咖啡,經30分鐘(A)、1小時(B)、和2小時(C),分別進行休息狀態下心跳、血壓和良導絡的測量和自主生理症狀的資料收集。
結果: 本計畫於2012年6月至12月期間,共31位受試者完成試驗。統計分析顯示,飲用咖啡後30分鐘,除兩側三焦經、肝經、胃經,以及左側腎和大腸經外,大多數經絡的良導絡能量平均值皆有上升。飲用咖啡後的30-60和60-120分鐘,兩側脾經、膀胱經、和左側心包經;以及兩側的脾經、膀胱經、和右腎經的良導絡能量值仍保持激發的狀態。自律神經功能比值和心跳在飲用咖啡30分鐘內顯著下降,而此時的血壓是升高的狀態。
結論: 本試驗的結果顯示咖啡飲用後,能透過良導絡偵測到特定經絡能量的分佈與變化。飲用咖啡對心血管系統也有如同過去研究中有升壓和降低心律的效果。另外,咖啡飲用可在較高自律神經功能比值的受試者,達到暫時性的穩定化作用。但是,試驗中的自律神經功能比值並不能做為咖啡飲用後是否影響自律神經的唯一參考。
Coffee consumption has immediate physiological, behavioral, and subjective effects. Despite its widespread use, few studies have described the impact of energy distribution and transformation in meridian vessels. The purpose of this study was to use a Ryodoraku instrument to measure the meridian electrical conductance in healthy volunteers after coffee consumption.
In thirty-one healthy volunteers, the meridian electrical conductance of 24 acupuncture points, blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), and index of sympathovagal balance were continuously recorded by Ryodoraku device before and after drinking a cup of instant coffee.
Statistical analysis showed that 30 minutes after coffee consumption, the mean values of electrical conductance increased on most meridians except the bilateral Triple Heater, Liver, and Stomach, as well as the left Kidney and Large Intestine. From 30 to 60 and 60 to 120 minutes, the electrical conductances were maintained significantly only on the bilateral Spleen, Urinary Bladder, and left Pericardium meridians, as well as on the bilateral Spleen, Urinary Bladder, and right Kidney meridians, respectively. The average index of sympathovagal balance decreased significantly at 30 minutes, while BP increased and HR decreased.
These findings suggest changes in the specific energy distribution and transformation in the meridian vessels after coffee consumption. Coffee consumption has a similar immediate effect on the cardiovascular system, including increase in BP and decrease in HR. Interestingly, coffee has a temporary stabilizing effect on the higher index of sympathovagal balance. This response may explain why the index is not relevant to the autonomic nervous system but is relevant to mental tasks after coffee consumption. |