摘要: | 台灣產藥用植物哈哼花(Staurogyne concinnula (HANCE) O. KTZE. ),為爵床科(Acanthaceae)哈哼花屬(Staurogyne )之植物。全草有降血壓,抗炎,解毒,消腫之效。可治高血壓,血管硬化,中風,喉嚨痛,肺炎,扁桃腺炎,肝病,神經痛,尿道炎,子宮炎等。為常用之民間用藥。
在成分研究方面,由哈哼花經分離純化及結構鑑定後,分離出之成分有:Triacontane、oleanolic acid、mixture of β-sitosterol and stigmasterol、β-sitosterol-3-Ο-β-D-glucoside、triacontanol、triacontanoic acid。
Staurogyne concinnula (HANCE) O. KTZE. is a native plant of Taiwan belonging to the acanthaceae family. It is a folk medicine being used for antihypertension, anti-inflammation, detoxification, datumescence, apoplexy, faucitis, pneumonia, tonsillitis, hepatitis, neuralgia, urethritis, and hysteritis.
In the assay for DPPH scavenging effect, the fraction of EtOAc layer showed good free radical scavenging effects.
In the phytochemical study, five pure compounds and one mixture were isolated from the Staurogyne concinnula (HANCE) O. KTZE. and were identified as triacontane, oleanolic acid, mixture of β-sitosterol and stigmasterol, β-sitosterol-3-Ο-β-D-glucoside, triacontanol, and triacontanoic acid.
Since this plant is rather common in Taiwan, further study and investigation of it’s active constituents may prove it’s potential biological activities and medicinal values. |