摘要: | 摘要
黃連的使用歷史悠久,早在神農本草經即有記載並列為上品藥,主要來源為毛茛科(Ranunculaceae)植物黃連Coptis chinesis Franch.、三角葉黃連Coptis deltoidea C. Y. Cheng et Hsiao、雲南黃連Coptis teetoides C. Y. Cheng及峨嵋野連Coptis omeiensis(Chen) C. Y. Chen的乾燥根莖。本研究藉由高速液相層析儀(HPLC)與薄層層析掃描儀(TLC scanner)進行定量分析,探討黃連藥材、黃連單味濃縮藥及含黃連濃縮方劑葛根芩連湯、柴胡陷胸湯及滋腎明目湯中berberine與palmatine的含量差異,並由精密度、穩定性及回收率來探討HPLC與TLC scanner兩儀器在定量分析上的優缺點。
由實驗結果計算出每克黃連及每克方劑所含berberine及palmatine的含量分別為:黃連藥材(berberine含量,HPLC:61.28〜75.14 mg/g,TLC scanner-TLC plates:74.18〜90.53 mg/g、HPTLC plates:68.82〜84.83 mg/g;palmatine含量,HPLC:13.98〜15.30 mg/g,TLC scanner-TLC plates:23.49〜24.23 mg/g、HPTLC plates:21.17〜23.94 mg/g)、黃連單味濃縮藥(berberine含量,HPLC:62.98〜98.17 mg/g,TLC scanner-TLC plates:86.03〜131.93 mg/g、HPTLC plates:63.69〜111.48 mg/g;palmatine含量,HPLC:14.16〜23.29 mg/g,TLC scanner-TLC plates:23.21〜37.16 mg/g、HPTLC plates:18.40〜31.40 mg/g)、含黃連濃縮方劑之葛根芩連湯、柴胡陷胸湯及滋腎名目湯(berberine含量,HPLC:2.85〜16.84 mg/g,TLC scanner-TLC plates:4.95〜24.03 mg/g、HPTLC plates:4.19〜17.53 mg/g;palmatine含量,HPLC:0.62〜4.24 mg/g,TLC scanner-TLC plates:0.88〜7.96 mg/g、HPTLC plates:0.63〜6.49 mg/g)。且黃連藥材中berberine含量皆符合中華中藥典中黃連所含的氯化小蘗鹼應在4.2%以上。
精密度R.S.D.平均值(HPLC:0.21%,TLC plates:0.81%,HPTLC plates:0.25%)、平均回收率值(berberine之 HPLC:98.2〜115.1%,TLC plates:96.3〜128.0%,HPTLC plates:90.3〜109.5%;palmatine之HPLC:97.2〜108.5%,TLC plates:89.2〜116.6%,HPTLC plates:82.1〜113.0%),展開後三小時間薄層層析板之穩定性實驗其R.S.D.之平均值(berberine之 TLC plates:2.12 %,HPTLC plates:0.74 %;palmatine之TLC plates:3.74%,HPTLC plates:0.72%)。
The Coptidis Rhizoma have been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for a long time. They are the dried rhizoma of Coptis chinesis Franch., Coptis deltoidea C. Y. Cheng et Hsiao, Coptis teetoides C. Y. Cheng and Coptis omeiensis(Chen) C. Y. Chen of the Ranunculaceae family. In the present studies, berberine and palmatine contents in Coptidis Rhizoma and Chinese medicinal prescriptions containing Coptidis Rhizoma such as concentrated extracts of Coptidis Rhizoma, Ger Gen Chyn Lian Tang, Chir Shiann Tang and Tzy Shenn Ming Muh Tang were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography and Thin-layer chromatography. The precision, stability accuracy and recovery rate of the analysis of berberine and palmatine in Coptidis Rhizoma containing prescriptions were discussed.
The quantities of berberine and palmatine in Coptidis Rhizoma and Chinese medicinal prescriptions containing Coptidis Rhizoma were as mg/g. The content of berberine in Coptidis Rhizoma by HPLC, TLC scanner-TLC plates and TLC scanner-HPTLC plates were 61.28~75.14 mg/g, 74.18~90.53 mg/g and 68.82~84.83 mg/g. The contents of palmatine were 13.98~15.30 mg/g, 23.49~24.23 mg/g and 21.17~23.94 mg/g. The content of berberine in concentrated extracts of Coptidis Rhizoma by HPLC, TLC scanner-TLC plates and TLC scanner-HPTLC plates were 62.98~98.17 mg/g, 86.03~131.93 mg/g and 63.69~111.48 mg/g. The content of palmatine were 14.16~23.29 mg/g, 23.21~37.16 mg/g and 18.40~31.40 mg/g. The content of berberine in Chinese medicinal prescriptions containing Coptidis Rhizoma such as Ger Gen Chyn Lian Tang, Chir Shiann Tang and Tzy Shenn Ming Muh Tang by HPLC, TLC scanner-TLC plates and TLC scanner-HPTLC plates were 2.85~16.84 mg/g, 4.95~24.03 mg/g and 4.19~17.53 mg/g. The content of palmatine were 0.62~4.24 mg/g, 0.88~7.96 mg/g and 0.63~6.49 mg/g. The quantity of berberine in Coptidis Rhizoma detected was greater than 4.2% required in ROC Herbal Pharmacopeia.
The precisions of HPLC, TLC plates and HPTLC plates were 0.21%, 0.81% and 0.25%. The recovery rate of berberine of HPLC, TLC plates and HPTLC plates were 98.2~115.1%, 96.3~128.0% and 90.3~109.5%. The recovery rate of palmatine of HPLC, TLC plates and HPTLC plates were 97.2~108.5 %, 89.2~116.6 % and 82.1~113.0 %. The stabilities of berberine of TLC plates and HPTLC plates were 2.12 % and 0.74 %. The stabilities of palmatine of TLC plates and HPTLC plates were 3.74% and 0.72%. |