摘要: | 本研究旨在發展及建構護理美學量表,並測試其信度與效度。量表之發展係參閱國內外相關文獻及將黃宣宜學者質性訪談結果擬定護理美學之構面,依此再擬定每個構面之題目,初步建立量表題項。將自擬定初量表經過專家內容效度檢定與項目分析後,共刪除2題題項,完成「完整版護理美學量表」共有66題之題項。研究樣本由中部某教學醫院中心,收集371位護理人員資料。研究結果顯示「完整版護理美學量表」具有良好的內在一致性與再測信度。進行因素分析萃取出六個因素,分別命名為「專業形象之美」、「關懷之美」、「照護之美」、「專業奉獻之美」、「藝術之美」與「凝聚之美」。「完整版護理美學」總解釋變異量為64.55%。整體量表和六個因素的內在一致性分別為0.91、0.93、0.95、0.88、0.94、及0.94。在校標關聯效度方面,護理美學總得分和「我會對病人展現關懷行為」成顯著性正相關。另外為了增進實務運用之可能性,發展出「簡版護理美學量表」39題。其總解釋變異量為65.87%,整體內在一致性0.96。「簡版護理美學量表」和六個因素內在一致性分別為0.80、0.92、0.89、0.83、0.86、及0.92。本研究結果顯示「完整版護理美學量表」與「簡版護理美學量表」是一份具有良好信度與效度之工具。
This research is to develop and establish the questionnaire for aesthetics of nursing(QAN)and verify the reliability and validity. The QAN was developed based on the literature review and the results of Huang’s qualitative research. The validity of the QAN was determinted by measuring the content validty, construct validity and current validity. Internal consistency and test-retest reliability were also examined to estimate stability of the scales. By using convenience sampling, 371 participants were collected from a medical center in central Taiwan. The final version of the QAN showed good internal consistency reliability (Cronbach’s α=0.97) and test-retest reliability 0.80. Two of items were removed after content validities and item analysis. The construct validity of QAN was evaluated by exploratory factor analysis and six factors were revealed: professional image of aesthetics, concern of aesthetics, care of aesthetics, professional dedication of aesthetics, artistic of aesthetics, solidarity of aesthetics. Total variance explained of the full version of questionnaire for aesthetics of nursing is 64.55%. The QAN and six factors have an intrinsic consistency of 0.91, 0.93, 0.95, 0.88, 0.94, and 0.94, respectively. With regarding to criterion-related validation, the total scale of aesthetics of nursing was significant and positively correlated to the item, “I can provide care to patients”. Through comprehensive tests of reliability and validity, a 39-item questionnaire for aesthetics of nursing was yielded. The 39-item QAN total variance explained is 65.87% and entire intrinsic consistency is 0.96. An intrinsic consistency of the 39-item QAN and six factors are, respectively, 0.80, 0.92, 0.89, 0.83, 0.86 and 0.92. The QAN and the 39-item QAN are valid and reliable instrument for evaluating aesthetics of nursing. |