摘要: | 探討家長對健康飲食的認知與態度,和家長透過哪些資訊管道獲取健康飲食相關知識,及可能面臨的行動利益與障礙,以健康信念模式(Health Belief Model)為參考依據,將相關變項納入研究架構中,以家長自覺肥胖威脅、行動線索以及行動可能性當成主要的自變項,探討相關因素對於家長「注重兒童健康飲食之行為」與「限制兒童不健康飲食之行為」之影響效應。
研究對象為就讀於台中市公私立小學學童父母,採分層比例隨機集束抽樣法,有效問卷為1078份(75%)。使用結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)進行統計分析,探討學童家長之自覺肥胖威脅因子、行動線索因子、行動可能性因子等與注意兒童健康飲食之行為、限制不健康飲食之行為之相關性。以AMOS 18評估測量模式進而驗證修改後,以檢定整體理論模式與樣本資料配適程度,提出符合本研究之結構方程模式。
Aiming at parents’ cognition and attitudes towards healthy diet, the acquisition of relevant knowledge, and the possible action benefits and obstacles, this study tends to discuss the factors in parents’ tracking behaviors for children healthy and unhealthy diet. Based on Health Belief Model, parents’ perceived obese threat, cue to action, and likelihood of action are included as the major independent variables in the research framework.
Parents of the pupils in public and private elementary schools in Taichung City are selected as the research subjects. With Stratified Proportional Random Cluster Sampling, 1078 valid questionnaires are collected. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is applied to statistical analyses for discussing the factors of parents perceived obese threat, cue to action, and likelihood of action in their tracking behaviors for children healthy and unhealthy diet. AMOS evaluation model is further utilized for verification and revision to test the overall theoretical model and the sample fitness, so as to propose the Structural Equation Modeling corresponding to this study.
Parents’ perceived obese threat could positively affect the restriction on children unhealthy diet, and medical cue to action and perceived action benefits could positively affect parents’ tracking behaviors for children healthy and unhealthy diet. However, objective action obstacles could negatively affect parents’ tracking behaviors for children healthy and unhealthy diet, and subjective action obstacles could negatively affect the restriction on children unhealthy diet.
It is suggested that medical providers should be the major promoters of healthy diet behaviors, including the advantages of healthy diet, the important vitamins for the growth of children and the acquisition sources, the effects of unhealthy food like sweets, fried food, and snacks on children obesity. Besides, parents’ perceived obese threat should be connected with children diet. The government should subsidize and reward the businesses with healthy diet delivery, promote healthy restaurants and conduct the certification and contest, reduce parents’ doubts about outside food being greasy, strong flavored, and with high calories, and have parents easily acquire healthy food. |