本研究以動物實驗探討飽和及反式脂肪攝取對於STZ誘發糖尿病(DM)小鼠之影響。本實驗使用5週齡大的 C57BL/6JNarl小鼠,隨機分成四組皆為正常飲水,(1)normal組,為正常小鼠攝取一般飲食;(2)DM組,為STZ 誘發之糖尿病小鼠及一般飲食;(3)DM+SFA組,STZ誘發之糖尿病小鼠餵食20%含高飽和奶油飲食;(4)DM+TFA組,STZ 誘發之糖尿病小鼠餵食20%含反式脂肪奶油飲食。八週後犧牲。實驗結果發現,誘發糖尿病後顯著增加空腹血糖、HOMA-IR、血清丙胺酸轉胺?及天門冬酸轉胺?、肝臟總膽固醇及低密度脂蛋白、發炎因子(IL-6、TNF-α、MCP-1),並降低體重、副睪脂質重量及血清胰島素。而餵食 SFA或TFA後,顯著增加糖尿病小鼠體重、副睪脂質重、空腹血糖及HOMA-IR值、血清AST、TC及LDL、肝臟發炎因子(IL-6及TNF-α),並降低胰島素值;其中攝取 TFA的糖尿病小鼠與SFA組相較,其副睪脂質重、血清AST、及肝臟發炎因子IL-6皆有顯著升高。本研究結果顯示SFA或TFA的攝取都會影響糖尿病小鼠血糖調控及加重肝臟發炎傷害,TFA對DM的惡化效果與SFA相近似。進一步再以氣相層析儀分析市售中西式食品中脂肪酸組成。因此,實驗結果顯示糖尿病個體飲食上並不建議攝取過多飽和及反式脂肪,以避免加重糖尿病的惡化。
The content of trans fatty acids (TFAs) in several commonly available snake foods was analysed. Futhermore, the present study was designed to investigate and compare the effects of saturate fat (SFA) and trans fat (TFA)on streptozotocin-induced diabetic development variation. Mice were divided into 4 group: normal group (without DM, normal diet), control group (DM with normal diet), DM+SFA group (DM with 20 % SFA diet), DM+TFA group (DM with 20 % TFA diet)for 8 weeks. Result showed DM mice had lower body weight, epididymal fat mass and serum insulin than normal mice.
However, DM mice with SFA or TFA intake had higher body weight, epididymal fat, fasting glucose, homeostasis model assessment-insulin resistance, asparate aminotransferase, total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factor-α compared with DM control groups. The intake of TFA increased epididymal fat mass, AST and liver IL-6. Both SFA and TFA intake affected DM mice glucose regulation and enhanced liver inflammation. These findings suggest that both TFA and SFA diet deteriorate diabetes.