Introduction:In order to find the best evidence from the voluminous historical Chinese medicine database, we use the relevant keywords to link and retrieve articles focus on the study of XIAO-YAO SAN (逍遙散) as a remedy for women disease. Further more, the development of variable combination of XIAO-YAO SAN from ancient time to the present urge me to explore the influence factors and compare the differences between Taiwan and Mainland China .
Method:We use a self-created computer program to retrieve and analyze the articles from the electronic Chinese medicine databases that have been searched. The descriptive analysis is used to categorize the illness treated by XIAO-YAO SAN, and each proportion will be displayed as percentages.
Results:The evidences from the literature show that the original XIAO-YAO SAN is a well accepted remedy from the past to the present. The similarity between Taiwan and Mainland China is that XIAO-YAO SAN can be widely applied to the treatment of the gynecological disorders. However, there were seven differences from the comparison between Taiwan and Mainland China, as well as the past and the present. The following lists below represent such the differences: 1. The XIAO-YAO SAN had been applied for the infectious diseases as well as parasitic diseases in ancient times. 2. The XIAO-YAO SAN are prescribed for endocrine, nutritional, metabolic and immunological disorder more frequently in modern time. 3. The XIAO-YAO SAN is aimed at treating psychological disorder more frequently in Mainland China and Taiwan. 4. The XIAO-YAO SAN also has been applied for circulatory and respiratory system illness more frequently in Taiwan than ancient time and Mainland China. 5. The application rate of XIAO-YAO SAN for genito-urinary disorder in Taiwan is only half of the prescribing rates of the Mainland China and ancient time. 6. In the past, the application rate of pregnancy, childbirth & the puerperium complication were much higher than nowadays. 7. Meanwhile, the application of Xiao-Yao San for skeletal, muscle and connective tissue system disease in Taiwan is 5 times higher than Mainland China and ancient time.
Discussion:As mentioned above, such findings may be due to the differences of the disease management standard between the ancient time and modern time. For example, antibiotics are widely used for the infectious disease cause that XIAO-YAO SAN are prescribed much less frequently. Furthermore, the great improvement of gynecological skill makes the application rate of XIAO-YAO SAN for the treatment of genito-urinary disorder reduced tremendously. On the other hand, the application of XIAO-YAO SAN in the respiratory system and muscle pain is much higher than the past and Mainland China due to the convenience of the Nation Health Insurance in Taiwan.